Monday, March 28, 2011

Come back when you can (27)


1. Shlounkoum?!

2. I neeed to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

3. Ma giltoole wain kintaw lama 9arat el storm on friday?!! Tell me ur stories!!

4. la7athtaw ina I'm posting wara ba3ath?!! I miss some of my readers min zmaan they didnt comment is everyone okaaay?

Enjoy it;**


Basma woke up because of soft knocks on her door: haaaaaaaaaaa!

The door opened and Basma saw Mubarak standing: Basoom

Basma rolled to the other side of the bed: haa

Mubarak: mo gadir anam

Basma: laaaish?

Mubarak: madri

Basma opened her lamp and saw her brother's sad eyes: awwww Baroooooooook!

Mubarak smiled: taben barid?

Basma: tabe nig3ad bil 9a6i7?

Mubarak: kina dayman-

Basma: nig3ad bil 9a6i7! Adri athkir!!

Basma smiled, she jumped out of bed.

S3ood couldn’t sleep he rolled to Basma's side of bed, held the pillow tight and closed his eyes hoping that he'll get some sleep, he heard a knock on  the door, S3ood sighed and jumped out of bed quickly and rushed to the door.

He opened it and found his father standing

S3ood: yuba?

"kint nayim yuba?"

S3ood: laa

S3ood rubbed his eyes: 9ayir shay?

"la 7abebe mu 9ayir shay may5alif… asoolif wiyak shway"

S3ood:  aked 7ayak Allah

S3ood got a bit worried it was the first time that his father comes to his apartment.

They sat facing each other.

S3ood: 5air yuba 9ayir shay?

Father: la yuba mu 9ayir ila el 3afya bas tawa omik kalimatne

S3ood's heart beat increased: ee?

Father: kalamtene 3an Basma

S3ood froze in his place: ee?

Father: tabene a7ache oboha

S3ood: eee?!!!

S3ood's father sighed.

S3ood: yuba ana-

Father: yuba inta tabene arid murtik? Inta tadre shili baina o bain Al Flani o ham bitridne 7ag nafs el mishkila

S3ood: yuba-

Father: S3ood yuba inta t3arf 3ala8atna ib Al Flani

S3ood sighed: kalamt.houm min gabil laish al7en el wath3 '3air?

Father: kalamt.houm  lama kina mi7tajeen musa3adat.houm o sim3atna 6ay7a bil soog!

S3ood rubbed his forehead: yuba bas *sigh* tikfa

Father: ma kan widi inik t7idne arid akalmhoum mara thanya

"Shra7 tsawen?"

Basma: madri

Mubarak dug his spoon in his ice cream: tabene akalma?

Basma: la.. ana bakalma… Barok ma t9adig shili 7asa feeh! Nathrata dayman 7azeena o a7is dayman 5angita 3abrita

Mubarak: 6abe3e Basom intay kintay murta o itifa8na ina yinsach dam intay ma tathkrena

Basma sighed.

Mubarak: tara 7ata el rayal y7ib o yit.thayag o yolah

Basma: bas ohwa-

Mubarak: ohwa mi3tirif ina walhan o ta3ban bidonch? Bayi3ha bo 3azooz!!

Mubarak smiled, Basma giggled: wala ana el bay3at.ha asoolif ma3ak 3an hal siwaalif

Mubarak smiled, they stayed silent for a minute.

Basma: Barok

Mubarak: hmm

Basma: sha5bar '3alya?

Mubarak sighed: madri

Basma: laish?

Mubarak: la2anha safarat winga63at a5barha 3ani

Basma: Barok bas inta t7ibha lazm tkonon ma3a ba3ath!!

Mubarak: o S3ood y7ibich o ma ashofkoum ma3a ba3ath?!!

Basma: ana o S3ood '3air!!

Mubarak: intay w S3ood ele wagif baikoum ahalkoum wana o '3alya ele wagif baina marath.ha!!

Basma: bas 3al a8al nisma3 a5barha… khangool matat ma nadri ya3ni?!

Mubarak jumped from his place: BASOM! SH.HAL 7ACHE?!

Basma: madri 3anik!! Barok kintaw imalcheen ya3ni kanat murtik!

Mubarak: ihya i5tarat inha tinsane witsafir ihya ele i5tarat!!

Basma: winta ma mana3t.ha

Mubarak: Basoom shlon amna3ha!! '3alya mareetha!!

Basma: chan ri7t ma3aha! Chan 7asast.ha inik tabe itim ma3aha o ma yhimik 7ata law kanat mareetha!!

Mubarak sighed, his heart ached.

Basma: khalait.ha troo7!! Bidon wala kilma, bidon la 7ata tgoolha inik ra7 tan6irha!

Mubarak: BAS!! BASOMA TIKFAIN BAS!! Ele 9ar 9aaar o intaha!! Ga3adtich 3ashan t5afifeeen 3ani wala tzedeen hame?!!

Mubarak closed his eyes tightly, sighed and walked downstairs, he left Basma on the roof alone.

Basma sighed, She sat in her place staring at the dark sky.

"way bismallah!"

Basma felt her mobile buzz

Ga3da? I can't sleep.

Basma's smile grew wider, he couldn’t sleep and he thought of her? She giggled and sent him a reply.

S3oood walked to the kitchen grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the kitchen counter, he felt his mobile buz in his pocket, He didn’t even think that Basma would be up.

Ga3da, are u okay? what's wrong?

Nothing is wrong, mu gadir anam



Lal7een za3lan mine?

La, Laish ma nimtay?

Mubarak mu yaylaa noom o ga3adne ma3ah o tawa za3al 3alay o nizal


Ee nizal

Bsaim laykoun ga3da bil sa6i7

LOOL shdarak?!

Murti a3arfiiich 3adil

Basma froze when she read that sentence her heart ached, she couldn’t breathe, S3ood sighed and hit the wall with his hand.

Both of them stayed silent

Friday, March 25, 2011

Come back when you can (26)




3. Ma 6awalt 3alaikoum 9a7?

4. I dont have much to say!

Enjoy it;**


Mubarak's eyes widend: Bsaaim mn 9ijch?

Basma smiled and nodded: ee wala mn 9iji!! Tathkir el doctor gal shway shway ra7 abda athkir?

Mubarak sat in front o his sister: eee, shtathkreen?

Basma smiled


Basma sighed and held a pillow to her chest: tithakart 3irsi

Mubarak smiled and wiggled his eyebrows, Basma giggled.

Mubarak: tithakartay youm dashait ib zafat el riyayeel

Basma: o ba'3ait it6ee7 3ala wayhik

Mubarak laughed: ma ba'3ait a6eeee7  isimha ta3archaabt!

Basma: ee 9a7!

Mubarak sighed and sat back beside Basma.

Basma looked at her brother: o tithakart shay ba3ad

Mubarak: shno?

Basma: tithaakart '3alya

Mubarak's sighed and closed his eyes: intay thikarteeha wana ele bansaha

S3ood walked to his apartment, he opened the door and got in, turned the lights on and sat on the couch

He stared at the photo frames in front of him and smiled, Basma's pretty face was all he could think about, he really missed having her around she was the only person that actually made him happy.







"Aloo hala Ranoya"

Rania: ahlain yuma

Mother: Ha mama shlon raylich

Rania: tamam b5aair!

Her mother went silent for a few moments, Rania knew that something was up.

Rania: yuma 9ayir shay?

Mother: la yuma mu 9ayir ila el 3afya bas umm

Rania: yuma?

Mother: na3am?

Rania: kalamtay S3ood?

Mother: ee o 8arart ine akalim Khawla bachr


Mother: ee yuma enshallah bakalimha bachr

Rania's smile grew wider, finally her brother is getting  his wife back!

Mubarak stood up to walk out of the room: Mubarak

Mubarak: Basoma please la intkalam bil mawtho3!

Basma: inzain goole bas gole shay wa7id, goole el shay ele ma athkira!

Mubarak sighed.

Basma: ihya wain al7en?

Mubarak:  ib America ... tit3alaj

Mubarak said those word's and left the room, Basma's heart sunk , '3alya was her close friend, '3alya was Mubarak's wife to be and '3alya was diagnosed with Cancer half a year ago.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Monawa3aaaat 20


تبدو لي منهك و ما عُدت تناسب الحياة... تبدو لي مثل ذاك الذي يلاحق مَنام وهو يقظ, كمن يستيقظ في منتصف الليل و يكتشف أسفاً أنه مازال على قيد الحياة.... تبدو لي منهك و ما عٌدتَ تناسب الحياة
الجميع يلومني على تعبك

لا أحب لهجة الأمل في صوتك و أنت حزين , لا يؤلمني حزنك بقدر ما يأكلني قلبي على صوت الفرح المُتيبس فيك ,لا بأس عليك , إنكسر قليلاً بين يدي, ابكي كثيراً بكاؤك جميل بقدر ما هو متعب و وردتك تذبل ما تموت و ستعود الغيمات و ستركض عن هضبتك بعد حين... عانق ألمك و أبكي لا بأس عليك , وربك كل شيء سيكون بخير بعد حين.

أُديرُ وجهي كثيراً عن حزني وفقدي... أديره لدرجة التجاهل, والتناسي, اضحك , أثرثر في أمور كثيرة ,وافعل أشياء عادية... وفي لحظة أدرك باني مهما هربت من حزني لن يرحل, التفت , واحتضنه بدمع العين والقلب, يا رب اسكن قلبي رحمتك

Happy 20th Munawa3 to my dear blog ;D

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Come back when you can (25)


1. Shakhbarkoum?!

2. I really like this post madri laish :p

3. 9ar 9aif?

4. Enjoooooy the post;**


Basma stood in front of the elevator, she felt numb, her eyes started watering


 The elevator's door opened, she lifted her head but couldn’t see clearly her eyes were full of tears, she blinked the tears fell on her checks and her vision was clear, it was S3ood, S3ood was standing in the elevator looking at her.


 Basma got in the elevator and the door closed, She felt S3ood's hand on her shoulder: Basoma shfech?

Basma wiped her tears: 6la3aw chathabeeen S3ood 6la3aw chathabeeeeen!

The elevator's door opened and Basma rushed to her office, S3ood walked after her

Basma got in the office and sat on the floor, her back was against the wall she closed her eyes and wiped her tears away

"Bitga3den bil arth wana labis dishdasha?"

Basma smiled, S3ood managed to make her smile and laugh even if she felt like crying!

Basma stood up and sat on the couch, he sat in front of her.

 S3ood: golele sh9ar?

Basma took a deep breath: Najla o Faris chathibaw 3alay

S3ood: ib shno?

Basma couldn’t put her eyes in his: ib salfat el rahan

S3ood: Najla laha 3ala8a bil mawtho3?

Basma: ana shili 5alane a9adig?! Kil ele gala Faris kil ele gala *gasp* galalti ina 9a7

S3ood went silent for a few minutes he had no idea what to do or what to say.

Basma wiped her tears away: aaah S3ood ana wayed asfa wala el 3athem-

S3ood: 7a9al 5air

 Basma: bas-

S3ood gave Basma a warm smile: ma tinlamain

Basma smiled, she coverd her face with both hands and took a deep breath, She opened her eyes and S3ood wasn’t there.




S3ood got in the house: el salaam 3alaikoum

Rania quickly got up and kissed her mother goodbye: ma3a el salama yuma

S3ood: waain ranooy ta'3aday ma3ana

Rania giggled: baroo7 at'3ada ma3a rayle

S3ood smiled, she gave him a wink and left.

S3ood: shfeha Ranoy mit7amsa?

 Mother: ma feha shay

S3ood sighed and sat on the couch beside his mother, he closed his eyes and rested his head on his mother's shoulder

Mother: S3ood mama shfek?

S3ood: ta3baan

Mother: mn shno?!

S3ood opened his eyes: mn el dawam

Mother: bas el dawam?

S3ood: law Gitlich ta3ban mn shno bitsa3dene?

Mother: akeed yuma 7abebe gool!

S3ood: abe mirti tridle

Mother: S3ood-

S3ood: yuma 7ata kalam ma baina!! Awal ma agolha kilma aw anshaf ma3aha el kil y5iz wil kil y7ache fena!!

Mother: la2anha mo murtik o ib 3adatna o-

S3ood: YUMA!! abeha trid murti.. abe y9er 3adi a7acheeha… 3adi a7ad yshoofne ma3aha broo7na… abe 3adi *sigh* abe y9er 3adi ine akon wiyaha

S3ood's mother felt her son's pain, she cupped his face: 7abebe S3ood

S3ood: yuma tikfaain… tikfaain 3amleha zain… tikfaain kalamy khalti Khawla, tikfon ridoole murti

His mother hugged him tightly, Rania was right S3ood lost himself when he lost Basma.





Basma stuffed the cupcake in her mouth, Mubarak laughed.

Mubarak: Alllllaaah ba3ath el nass mazajhoum zaaaain el youm

Basma took a cupcake and gave it to Mubarak: haaak

Mubarak: mashkora

Mubarak sat beside Basma: shnu hatha?

Basma: gossip girl

Mubarak: Alllah wanasa ga3id akil cupcake o mjabil musalsal banat-

Basma: o bit9abi'3li athafre ba3ad shway

Mubarak laughed so hard he fell off the couch: RO7AY DAWREELICH I5IT!

Basma threw a pillow on Mubarak: BAARA!

Mubarak laughed and sat back beside her: sha5barich?

Basma stuffed another cupcake in her mouth.

Mubarak laughed: okay

Basma: Ahhhhhhhhh BLAIR O DAN ZOOQA!

Mubarak: S3ood 8adam isti8ala

Basma sighed: adri

Mubarak: shbitsawen?

Basma: madri

Mubarak: titwa83ain yadi ya8bil isti8alta?

Basma: madri

Mubarak: y9er tgoolele shay wa7d tadrena?

Basma giggled: Okay Mubarak.. bagoolik shay

Mubarak: golay

Basma: bidait athkir

Mubarak's eyes widened: Shno?!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Come back when you can (24)


1. Shlonkoum?!!

2. I'm really tired and I have no idea why!

3. el wagt ga3id yamshi BSIR3AAAAAAAAAAA!

Enjoy it;**

Basma left S3ood's office with the guilt eating her up,  she sensed the sorrow in his voice and sadness in his eyes.


Basma closed her eyes took a deep breath and turned around and found Mubarak standing.

Basma: na3am?
Mubarak: shfech?
Basma: mafene shay laish?

Mubarak: 3younch 7amra

Basma shock her head: mafene shay

Mubarak: akeed?

Basma nodded.

Mubarak smiled and walked to S3ood's office, S3ood's door opened and S3ood left the office.

Mubarak: haa bo 3azoz sha5barik al7en?

S3ood sighed: b5air.. agool Mbarook yaidik fog?

Mubarak nodded: ee laish?

S3ood: ba7acheeh ib mawthoo3

Mubarak raised an eyebrow: bo 3azoz shil salfa?

S3ood: mako ila kil 5air

S3ood walked to the elevator while Mubarak gave Basma a suspicious  look

"Bas ya Rania hal salfa el mafrooth inisat!"
Rania: yuma! Yimkin i7na n7awil ninsaha bas S3ood 3umra ma ra7 yinsaha! S3ood 7abha ib shakil mu 6abe3e

Her mother nodded.

Rania: tathkreen sha9r feh 3ugb ma sawat el 7adith?!  Way kan thayi3 ham el dinya ib wayha!

Her mother sighed and sat on the couch facing the window

Rania: yuma! S3ood ashkara galha ina ya Basma ya ma ra7 yitzawaj mara thanya!

Rania sat closer to her mother: yuma ib thimitich ma walahtay 3ala Sa3ood o iz3aja! Ma walahtay 3ala '3ashmarta! Kil hatha i5tifa fee 3gub Basma!

Her mother stayed silent she knew what Rania was saying is right but she didn’t want to admit it

Rania: ana braye troo7en tig3deen ma3a om Basooma o tfakronlkoum ib 7al

Her mother stood up: la! Mani ray7a 7ag Khawla

Rania sighed: 3ayal shlon bin7il el mishkila?!

S3ood washed his face, and stared at his reflection in the mirror, He had no idea if he's overreacting about Basma believing Faris or his reaction was right !

He knew that Basma was confused about everything! And he couldn’t blame her, she lost her memory and everyone was lying to her and suddenly a lot of facts were released to her, she had no idea what to believe!

Basma: shyabe ib yadi?!

Mubarak was reading a paper.

Basma:  BAROK!

Mubarak: ha?!

Basma: shyabe S3ood ib yadi?

Mubarak: madri

Basma: ma yhimik t3arif?

Mubarak shock his head.

Basma: uffffff a7ar ma 3indi abrad ma 3indik!

Mubarak: yaaa7! Wintay sh.hal ligafa!

Basma: ufff

Basma sat down, she had a bad feeling about what S3ood was going to tell her grandfather.

"Afa o laish ya yuba?"

S3ood: ytarawale ine ishta'3altlkoum o raba7tkoum o ti9akar el dain ele 3alaina

"Eee adri bas tiwa8a3t inik mirta7 ma3ana"

S3ood: ma gilt ene mu mirta7!

"Ha 3ayal sh9ayir ya yuba?  la tinsa S3ood yuba inta mina o fena"

S3ood closed his eyes and sighed.


S3ood's eyes were wide open.

"Tabene an8ilha 8isim thane? Goole shnu tabene asawi"

S3ood shock his head: la bu 7amad abeek ta8bil isti8alte

Basma left Mubarak's office and saw Najla walking to her side.

Najla: hi

Basma: ahlain
Najla: umm Basoma bagolch shay

Basma: wana bagoolich gabil la tgolele!

Najla: la Basom ana bagoolich

Basma: oooh Najol ta5ayilay tahawasht ma3a S3ood o gitla 3an el rahan tadren ina ma ta7acha wala  kilma

Najla: Basma-

Basma: o la a5ir shay gali arid 7ag sh'3ili! 7ata ma dafa3 3an nafsa wala-

Najla: BASOM!

Basma: na3am?!

Najla: ma dafa3 3ala nafsa o 3a9ab 3alaich la2ana el salfa mu 9ij!

Basma: shno?!

Najla's eyes were full of tears: salfat el rahan mu 9ij

Basma: shlon mu 9ij?! Najool intay kintay mawjoda!Sima3tay shno gal o giltay ina kalama 9a7!

Najla: adri!



Basma felt like throwing up, she couldn’t believe what she just heard!

"Basom sh9ayir shfeekoum t9arkoun?"

Basma slowly turned around and found Mubarak standing, she ignored him and walked to the elevator.

Basma stood in front of the elevator, she felt numb, her eyes started watering

The elevator's door opened, she lifted her head but couldn’t see clearly her eyes were full of tears, she blinked the tears fell on her checks and her vision was clear, it was S3ood, S3ood was standing in the elevator looking at her.