Saturday, September 7, 2013

Empty Spaces -14-


*I apologize for not posting yesterday, I tweeted that I was sick and I couldn't write, most of my time yesterday was in the hospital! 

*This post goes to the graduate DFR! ALLF MABROUUUK!! 

Thank you for waiting, Enjoy it!!


 Barak slowly opened his eyes, He felt pain all over his body.

He looked around and he knew that he was in the hospital, his head hurts..Barak wanted to put his hand on his head but something held it. He looked to his right and found Lama, she was holding his hand and resting her head on the bed.

Sh9ar? Shele yabne hne!

Barak: Lama?

Barak pulled his hand away from Lama, she slowly opened her eyes.

Lama: BARAK!!!

Barak: smila 3alaich shway shway!!

Lama's eyes were filled with tears: salamtik ma tshof shar!!

Barak smiled: elshar ma iyeech! Bas sh9ar?

Lama: ma tathkir?

Barak: la.. Lama jisme kil y3awrne

Lama sat on the bed in front of Barak and held his hand.

Lama: tathkir inik ri7t li3ib koora?

Barak nodded: bas ma athkir ay shay 3ugba!

Lama: kina ga3deen bil 9ala wityeena rosa t9arkh "Barak fainted"! Ni6la3 o nilgaak 3al arth!!

Barak: ma athkir

Lama: o yibnaak el mistashfa 3ala 6oul!

Barak was quiet for a second: galbi?

Lama nodded: Barak laish ma giltli? Laish ana dayman akhir man ya3lam!!

Barak: Lama wala min wana 3umri 10 sneen ma 9ar shay!!

Lama looked away.

Barak: 3younch 7umir

Lama: bichait

Barak: Lama wala-


Barak smiled, he saw his family walking towards him.

Lama: 3an ithnkom dgeega baro7 aghasil wayhe o arid!

Barak kept looking at Lama until she left the room, Lama walked to the nurse.

"Excuse me.. where is doctor Ahmed's office?"

"He's not in his office, he's checking on his patients now"

Lama smiled and was walking back to Barak's room when she saw doctor Ahmed.

Lama: dictor!!

Dr.Ahmed: hala?

Lama: mar7aba ana Lama AlFlani.. zojat Barak Al Flani

Dr. Ahmed: wil ni3im wala!! Shlonch yuba?

Lama smiled: bkhair allah ysalmik!

Dr. Ahmed was a sweet person, he was in his mid 60's Lama guessed, he's been treating Barak since he was a child.

Lama: dictor bas2ilik 3an Barak

Dr. Ahmed: si2lay yuba!

Lama: mabe tkhish 3alay shay!

Dr. Ahmed walked to the nurses area, grabbed a chair for Lama and sat in front of her.

Dr.Ahmed: shofaay allah ysalmich.. A3arif Barak min gabil la yibda ytkalam 7ata

Lama smiled.

Dr. Ahmed: oma yabita 3indi 3gub ma galoolaha ina wildch galba th3eef

Lama: shlon?

Dr . Ahmed smiled: bagolch kil shay bas 9ibray 3alay!

Lama nodded: ok

Dr.Ahmed: sawailana ashi3a o fo7o9at o 6ala3 ina wa7id min elsharayin ele ib galba thayij o shibh masdood

Lama's heart sunk.

Dr.Ahmed: kint agdar asaweela 3amaliya..bas kan tawa 9gheer! O aghlab el 7alat lama yikbaar y9er wath3a 6abe3ee

Lama nodded.

Dr.Ahmed: fa itifaqna ina bain fatra o fatra tyeble yaah at6aman 3alaih

Lama smiled, Dr.Ahmed was so sweet.

Dr. Ahmed: o ham itifaqna ina ybt3id 3an kil shay mumkin yta3ib nafseta aw ysabibla tawator! Etha nafseeta t3abat..galba ib yt3ab

Lama nodded: ok?

Dr. Ahmed: o lama kibar shway itifaqt ma3ah ina mako tadkheen! Mu zain 7ag elnass el mit3afeen shlon ohwa?

Lama: 9a7!

Lama remembered that she saw him smoke a couple of times.

Dr.Ahmed: o ham lazm ma yatrik el riyatha!

Lama sighed.

Dr. Ahmed: 9ayir shay bainkom yuba? 3umra ma yane ta3ban hal kithir

Lama's eyes were filled with tears, she felt so bad.. with all of the Fay drama and her being away it didn’t help him at all.

Lama: dictor wala ma kint adre!

Dr.Ahmed: maykhalif baba, ma kintay tadren bas al7een tadren.. derbalich 3ala raylich

Lama smiled: 7athir

Dr. Ahmed left Lama and went to continue checking on his patients.

"Kil hatha tghasleen wayhich? Shaklich khathaitay shower"

Lama laughed: na3aam? Mnashbatne 3ala kilshay!!

Lama walked to Barak's bed and sat on the chair beside him, he stretched his hand
  towards her, she held his hand with both her hands.

She loved him so much, Lama couldn’t imagine a day without him.. losing him would destroy her.
"Tara wala agdar amshe tikfon"

Lama giggled: 3aziz khalas hida!

Aziz: laa? 3ashan lama yahbid 3al arth tsawele filim rayle o rayle!

Lama: osh!

Barak looked at her: sawaitay filim lama 6i7t?

Lama: ha? La shako

Shoug: na3aaam?!! Mno eele la shako?

Lama: heeey shtaben!!

Barak smiled.

Shoug: 6oul el 6reeej tabche! Ma tshouf 3younha mikhtafya el youm!

Lama: a9lan shtabon? Yalla bye!

Aziz laughed: tsaween rou7ich kilish jidam raylich?

Lama: abaih!! Baraaak shoufhom!!!

Lama started pushing Shoug and Aziz towards the door.

Aziz: khalaaas  kana 6al3een!!

Lama closed the door behind them and walked to Barak.

Lama: ayeeblik shay?

Barak shook his head.

Lama: Barak lazm takil shay! Khal agolhom ysawolik sandwich

Barak: mo mishthe akil kalait bil mistashfa

Lama: way ma yo3tabar akil! Allah yzeed el ni3ma!

Lama walked to the phone.

Barak: Lama

Lama: hala

Barak: Lamaaa

Lama turned around and found Barak's head facing down and his hand on his heart.

She rushed towards him: Barak!!!

Barak quickly wrapped his arm around Lama: giltlich mabe akil ma yfeed wiyach ila chithi?

Lama covered her face with both hands: Baraak hidne!

Barak: mani haad

Lama: Baraaaak!!!

Barak: khiftay 3alay?

Lama: wayed

Lama looked at Barak: tadre shele ykhari3 zyada? Barak ma kint it7arak! o la lama 6i7t, 6i7t bara 3al gaar!! 3ashan chithi jismik kila bruises we3awrik!

Lama wiped her tear away.

Lama: ma kint adre shfek barak! Ana el wa7eeda ele madri!! elwa7eeda ele thay3a bainhoum!! 6oul el 6reej wi7na n7awil ngawmik o ma kan feek shada tba6il 3ainik 7ata!!

Barak: Lama-

Lama: 6oul el 6reej wana agoul 7ag 3umri wetha ma gam ana shbe9er fene?

Barak pulled Lama closer to him, her head rested on his chest, she heard his heart beat, she felt loved and safe with him and that was the definition of family to her.

Barak held Lama closer to him, he really wanted her to feel his love. He really felt how
 much she was worried about him today, he wanted to hold her and never let her go.


  1. Fiiirrrsssttt :D

    - hm


    Bamouut salou7a kila itsaween feeni chthe! ba3eesh 89aat 7ub wiya baraak mumkin?:$

    Loved itttt!

    - Fa6amiii

  3. Omg best chapter ever !! Seriously ur the best


  4. I loooooove your story
    Btw i'm a silent reader bs hathi awal mara asawi comment

    1. Thank you!!
      I'm so happy that your not silent anymore xo

  5. Ugh mu awal wa77daa:( 3ady elmara elyaya anywaysss llloovvedd the pooostt jeeddd entayy 3ajebaaa

  6. My heart melted :')

    - a reader from dubai

    1. Your three words comment made my day!
      Thanks a lot!!!


  8. This is the cutest thing ever :') ♡

  9. Best post ever!!!!!!!


  10. Loved it!!! Can't wait for the next post!!
    I really adore you're creativity 9aloo7a!!
    Let it be Friday!!!!

  11. Ma tshofeen shar 9al7a! Thank you for the lovely post <3


  12. Ambaaaaiiiiihhhh al post 3aaajeeeeebbb !!!!!
    LOVED IT ♥♥♥
    BS 6b3an bchany :(
    thank you for the amazing post w cant wait for the next ..

    ps: al7mdellah 3la alslama w ma tshoofeen shar ;;*


  13. Your post 3ajeeeb
    Loved it
    I'm a silent reader hay awal mara I comment
    Bas jaad magdar maktb la2na ur blog 3ajeeeeb
    Ur the best
    Can't wait for the next post!!

  14. You are the BEST!!!
    A silent reader from riyadh ❤
    Thank youuuu
