Friday, November 26, 2010

Monawa3aaaat 14


2. احكي لي كيف تقترب منا السماء... فيروز تغني ..فيروز تصغي..و الجميع يثرثر
كيف يزهر الياسمين في الخريف وكيف تدنو مني السماء..احكي لي حكاية" هالجو العصبي"..وحكاية مزاجي الأعوج هدا الصباح.

3.أرجعي في ابتساماتك عذر مثل ما الدمع في عيني سماح- بدر بن عبدالمحسن

4.كل ما في الأمر أَنّي لا أعني له شيء

5. Thank u all for u votes & kind words;** I'll posting the result soon enshallah ;)

*Drum roll*

are you ready?!

The story that won is story number

ele ihya bi3nwan
"Come back when you can"

I'll posting as soon as I can enshallah ;)
Wa Shukran;*

Thursday, November 18, 2010




IT IS TIME TO VOTE YA JIMA3A! Everyone has only ONE vote!

o la la ma 7alaw el majlis :p I want you guys to vote 3ala which story you want me to start writing :p

1. Story number one { Come back when you can..}: I wasn't planning inha t9er a story until today.

She sat down on the brown couch staring at the beige wall in front of her.

"Basma?" Hearing his voice made her feel better she wanted to hug him & cry on his shoulder, but she couldn't! She can't!

He's a part of her past now & she needs to get used to it "I'm not okay" she said "I'm not okay at all"

He sat beside her "Talk to me"...

She talked & talked she was going to fast & half of what she said didn't make sense but she knew he'll try to figure it out, he knew her more then she knew herself, she poured her heart out she screamed she cried & she laughed! She was sick! She was sick of herself, she was sick of her mood swings! "Mazajete thab7atni!" "I'm stressed out!"

He listened he listened to every word, wiped every tear & smiled at every laugh, but he couldn’t help her.

He couldn’t help her because he's not a part of her life anymore… and when ur not a part of someone's life anymore its hard, it's hard to help them, it's hard to show sympathy, it's hard to share a laugh, it's just hard!


2.Story two, M is for miserable Mona:

"aloo, Nono shlonch?"

"Ahlain Hessa! B5air entay shlonch?"

"b5aaair b5aair, Agool Nono btyen ma3ana el ma6ar el youm?"

"ma6ar? Sh7aga?"

"Mona btsafir"

I sighed, I never thought that she would take that way out, Mona? Ma 3araftkoum 3ala Mona!

Mona was one of my friends she lost her husband a month ago, she was one of the strongest people I ever knew… but she's not that strong anymore, I can feel that there is something missing in her features, something missing in her voice, something missing in her eyes. The happiness that I once felt in Mona was gone, her smile wasn’t wide anymore, her eyes didn’t sparkle anymore and her face lost its glow.

"Tro7en witrdeen bil salama"

"Baroo7 bas mane rada ya Nora"

"ra7 iye youm witrdeen, ra7 iye youm o tinsain"

Her eyes teard up.

"Ma atawa8a3 bansa, ma atwa8a3 biye youm o ansa!"

I choked up with my words

"Ma ra7 tinsain bas ra7 titnasain, ra7 iye el youm ele btg9en feh 3ala 3umrich witgoolen nisait"

Mona threw herself in my arms and cried, she cried her eyes out, Life is crewel! It broke her it broke the strong and tuff Mona!

"Nooooro yal maleeeqa bachaiteeena!"

I smiled.

"Tadreeeeeeen shlon?! Ma ra7 trdeeen la2anich ib tinsain, ra7 trdeeen la2anch ib toolheeen 3aala hal 5bool!"

She giggled.

"Weeeeeh ma atwa8a3 ib toolah! Mn yroo7 London we3eeesh feeha ma yadre wain el Kuwait a9lan!"

"Yalla 3ad! Mako mithil el Kuwait!"

"Uffff bas la tibda wa6aniyat Noooro siktay 3anha"

Mona giggled.

"Group hug!"

We all gave Mona a group hug even Nada, she was too far away but she stuck her arm between our arms to reach Mona.

She pulled away and looked at each one of us

"hadaitlkoum notes! Awal ma trdoon el bait ib tilgoonhoum ma3a omahatkoum"

A tear escaped her eye

"ra7 olah 3alaikoum wayed"

Mona picked up her purse and walked away from us, for the first time in 20 years we realizes that our 5 girls group will be with 4 girls.

So shrykoum? Vote 1 or 2 ;)
O shofaw afkar el stories mo 100% wath7en ib mu5e I may need time 3ashan abda ;)
Wa Shukran;*

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

! العيد

العيد ... أن تأتِ

وتطرق أبوابي

ما أتى العيد

   :* عيدكم مبارك و عساكم من العايدين و الفايزين


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Giving up? THE END!


1. Shlonkoum?

2. Haaa mno besafir mno ga3id?


4. This post mokawan mn 1,013 kilma, Unchained Melody I'll kill you etha giltay it's short :p

5. Hal post 3eediyaatkoum!! atwa8a3 ine awal wa7da a36eekoum 3ayadee mo? :p

6. This post goes to all of my readers! Silent o mo silent :p & to my 110 followers;**

7. Will bandar give up on Bibi?
Enjoy it;*



Falaitooha? Oooh saloom mama bas!

Bibi: Manor falaina el 5i6ba

Munera gasped faka: Umm mno ele falha intay wala ohwa?

Bibi: ana




Munera walked & Salom walked beside her.

Maama! Hatha weeeen?

Munera was busy thinking ofwhat to tell Bandar & how would she choose her words.

Munera: ya36eech il 3afya

Lady: allah y3afeke

Munera: Bandar mawjood?

Lady: meen bi2lo?

Munera: Munera Al flani

Munera thought about it a5af ma y3arif isimi el kamil!

Munera: wala agolch goolela murt zaid Al flani

The secretary nodded.

Maaama! Hada weeen?

Munera: hathe sharika

Salim crossed his tiny eyebrows: arika?

Munera: shar ee ka!

Salim: aa ree kaa!

Munera giggled: hatha inta dayman shali3 awal 7arfain mn el kalimat!

Munera heard a laugh she looked at her left & found Bandar.

Bandar: 7ayaallah um Salim

Munera: allah y7ayeek

When salim saw Bandar he stood up & walked towards him then waved at Bandar.

Salim: Hi

Bandar giggled & waved back: hello!

Salim giggled.

Bandar bend down & picked Salim up.

Bandar: tifathilay um salim, 7ayach el maktab

Munera walked behind Bandar while he was discussing the place with Salim

Salim: hada arika?

Bandar giggled: la sharika!

Salim: areeka?

Bandar: ee yuba ee arika!

Munera looked around the office: 9ij maktab fanan! Mraatab!

Bandar smiled: mashkora.

Bandar & Salim sat on the small couch & Munera sat on the one in front of them.

Bandar: sha5barkoum?

Munera: wala b5air el 7imdallah inta shlonik?

Bandar:b5air .. wath3e al7en a7san mn a5ir mara shftene feha

Munera nodded & smiled: la7atht.. umm shof Bandar

Bandar knew that she's here for something serious, he thought that she will tell him to back out of Bibi's life and leave her alone, but what she's about to say was the complete opposite.




Falat el 5u6ba ele ma tisti7i! kil ele m5a6i6la… kil ele abeeh ma ra7 y9er!




Shno shlon ya3ni? Bibi Falat el 5i6ba 3ashanik!

Bandar shook his head: la mo 3ashani

Munera: imbala 3ashanik! Way Bandar a9lan mn awal ma shaftik mara thanya 3ugb hal sintain kil shay feha ta5arba6! Bandar inta 3umrik ma 7asait ina a7ad mihtam fek o Bibi 3umrha ma 7asat ina a7ad mi7tajha, intaw tkamlon ba3ath!

Salim was staring at his mother talking to Bandar, his face was so focused & his eyebrows were crossed, Munera smiled at his expretion, he was so quite she didn’t even feel him there.

Munera: 3a6ne yah 3anik

Munera held salom in her arms and both of them kept on staring at Bandar.

Bandar: om salim intay faja2tene… kilish ma tiwa8a3t ina-

Munera: Bandar la t5alene akathir 7achi 3ashan la ata3ib 3umre wala ata3bik

She went quite for a second.

Munera: t7ibha? Tadre shitsawi, ma t7ibha ham tadre shitsawi!

Munera grabbed her purse, held Saloom's tiny hand: yalla Salomi

Salim walked out of Bandar's office & waved at him: bye.

Munera spilled out all what she had to say and left Bandar, she did it on purpose she wanted him to think about it & decide what he has to do on his own!




Bandar sat on the couch with his pizza in his hand, he turned the tv on & found Nawal singing

Tadre ma 7abait '3airik o 3umre ma nisait 5irik!

Bandar remembered Bibi & smiled, He took a deep breath then grabbed his mobile.





Bibi woke up on the sound of her door opining



Mama '3anooma banaaaaaaaaaaaam!

Grandmother: gooomay 6al3elich shay talbseena!

Bibi: 7ag shno!!

Grandmother: biyoona 5u6ab el youm!

Bibi jumped out of her bed: 5U6AB!

Grandmother: ee 5u6ab! Shfech?

Bibi raised an eyebrow: o hal 5u6ab shdarahoum ina ana o Jasim falaina el 5u6ba?

Grandmother weeh shagoolha?!: madri wala

Bibi went closer to her grandmother something is fishy is happing & she felt it.

Grandmother: yalla yalla ro7ay '3aslay wayhich o nizlay ta7at

Her grandmother rushed out of her room.

Bibi hmm lama 7asat ine ba9eedha in7ashat?

Bibi got into the bathroom, washed her face brushed her teeth.

Buz buuuz

She grabbed her mobile, a message from Munera

9abaa7 el 5air our bride to be:*

Biyoonch 5u6ab el youm! Kish5aaaay

Bibi crossed her eyebrows: shsalfat.houm?! laish el kil mit7amis! O hal 5i6ab shdarahoum ine falait el 5u6ba ma3a Jasim?

Bibi looked at the calendar in front of her 12/11 hmm el youm el mafroth Bandar ya36ene el sample mal el i3lan!

Bibi grabbed her mobile & called Bandar




Bandar's mobile rang

Bibi calling

Bandar smiled and picked up the phone: alo?

Alo 9aba7 el 5air Bandar

Bandar: 9aba7 el nor ya hala

Both of them went silent for a second.

Bibi: umm Bandar tadre ina el youm el mafroth tsalmne el sample?

Bandar: umm el youm thna3ash?

Bibi: ee

Bandar: ok agi6a 3alaich el bait el youm?

Bibi: la!

Bandar: laish??

Bibi: um la2ana uhh la2ana

Bandar smiled galolha!

Bandar: etha ma widich tgoolen mo lazm 5ala9 ayeblich yah bachr?

Bibi sighed: ok




Bibi applied her eyeliner & looked at herself in the mirror one last time

She wore a simple grey beaded dress & black tights

Munera: laish jeje?

Bibi: la2ana el nafnoof g9er?

Munera: oh

Bibi was really confused laish el kil mit7amis el youm?




Babona mama gi3day bil 9ala hathech o ba3dain ana anadeech

Bibi nodded.

She sat on the couch put her legs on the coffee table in front of her


Bibi giggled: Saloooomi! Shfek?

She heard Salim giggle.

Bibi: Saloooom ta3al!

Hi *giggle* ha? Bobo! ahahaha

Bibi haw mno bobo?

Bibi stood up & walked towards the sound of Salim's giggles, She found Bandar putting his hand on his mouth trying to keep Salim down, and Salim was putting his tiny fingers on his mouth trying to stay quite.

Bibi: Bandar?!

Bandar looked at her & smiled: na3am?

Bibi: shitsawi hne? Ana gitlik mo shar6 tyeb el sample el youm o-

Bandar walked towards Bibi: ana ma yet 3ashan a36eech el sample

Bibi's heart bet started raising:3ayal?

Bandar: ana yet 3ashan a5a6bich

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That's alright because I like the way it hurts!

That's alright because I like the way it hurts..


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

! ألمتها

آلمتها مرتين ...مرة بمزحتك ... و مرة بضحكك عليها

..حتى بعد إداركك ألمها

ضحكتك كانت خيبة

قادمة من أعماقك وَ رجولتك التي لم تعلمك معنى أن تتراجع أسفاً عندما تدرك خطأك

أمام أنثى شرقية
!سحقاً لرجولتك يا أنت ْ.. عندما " تمسّهنّ "بألم

Giving up? {54}



2. Sorry 6awalt 3alaikoum bas my laptop kan yit9ala7!

3. Shimsaweeen ib ur midterms? :p

Enjoy it;**


Bibi entered the house feeling down, she threw her bag on the floor and laid down on her bed.

After 10 minutes her mobile rang

Ufff male 5lg at7arak!

She walked to her bag, looked for her mobile.

Jasim Calling

She took a deep breath and picked it up


Baboooooooona! Shlonch?

Bibi cleared her throat: hala Jasim ana b5air inta shlonik?

Jasim: ta'3aditay?

Bibi: la

Jasim: shraych a'3adeech ib 360?

Bibi looked at herself in the mirror her face looked really tired: may5alif youm thani?Ta3bana shway

Jasim: waaih Babon walhan 3alaich mn zman ma shiftich! Mi7na m6awleen int'3ada winrid el bait! Wa3ad!

Bibi sighed: ok mita btmirne?

Jasim: al7en abadil wamrich

Bibi: ok na6ritik

She sat on her bed and sighed,! She didn’t feel happy because Jasim is coming to pick her up, she never felt happy when she heard his voice, she never blushed when he told her sweet things & she never jumped up and down when she saw his number calling.

And she noticed that but she used to put it at the back of her head, now it's really clear, Bandar is back into her life which made her compare Jasim to him!




Bandar he closed the door of his office behind him and sat on the first chair he saw.

Yimkin isloobe kan '3ala6 ma3aha! Faja2t.ha! bas ana a3rifha ma t7ib el laf wel dawaran 3ashan chithi gitlha el mawtho3 3ala 6ool! Uff ana laish ta7achait?

Bandar was silent for a minute that he realized the reason for telling Bibi about Jasim, he didn’t want to lose her, when he realized that she wasn't his anymore & she won't be he wanted her back.

Lama istaw3abt inha *sigh* ine 5asart.ha istaw3abt! Astahil




Hmm madri! A7is taw el nass 3ala hal mawtho3!

Bibi sipped her juice, She noticed the disappointment in Jasim's face

Jasim: bil 3ax! Hatha shay wayed mohim

Bibi crossed her eye brows: inzain fa shno el 7al?

Jasim: ana tamait hal youmain afakir o ma ligait ila 7al wa7id!

Bibi: ele ohwa?

Jasim: ohwa ina… ina

Jasim felt a bit hisitent on telling her china taw el nass?! Ya 5ofe ti6la3 thakiya o tiktishif ine dash 3ala 6uma3!

Bibi: ina shno?

Jasim: ina naskin ib bait ahalich ele bil tha7ya

Bibi's eyes widend, she remembered what Bandar said.. she closed her eyes and tried to brush that thought away.

Bibi: bas inta tadre ine ma dashait bait omy o oboy mn 3ugb wifat.houm, o el bait wayed kber 3alaina!

Jasim: la kber wala shay!

Bibi noticed his quick defend! It was like he prepard what he had to say & expected her to say that!

Jasim: Baboon 7abebte maradna binyeeb 3yal enshallah o natris el bait!

Bibi went quite she tried not to connect what Bandar said to what Jasim is saying, she didn’t feel like eating anymore.

Ufff! Kalam Bandar 9a7? Ma38oola Jasim chithi tafkeerah?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Giving up? {53}


1. Shlonkoum?

2. rooo7 ib 6reeeeeeeeeeej wana ib 6reeeeeeeeeeej o 5alne 3ala jar7ee el 3ateeeeeeeej!


4. I'm really sleepy!

5. The post is LONG and it goes to Madliar ;)

Enjoy it ;**


Ta3aaaaalay 5al a7i6lich shay ib wayhich tlaw3een el chabd!
Bibi: ohhhh yalla wa5ray baroo7!
Munera: way 3aneeeeeeda!
Bibi turned around and faced Salem: Saloome ana 7ilwa?
He giggled and nodded.
Bibi: shiftay?
Munera hit Bibi on her shoulder: ee kafwich Salom
Bibi giggled, grabbed her bag and left.
A7mad ana baro7 mishwar warja3 ma 3indi meetings el youm 9a7?
A7mad shook his head.
Bandar: umm agol a7mad?
A7mad: na3am?
Bandar: mit2akid mn el kalam ele gilta el youm?

A7mad nodded: inta t3arifne ma a7ache bil nass wala agol shay bas la2anha 3ala golatkoum sadee8a 8adeema
A7mad smiled, he knew that Bibi's wasn't just a friend.
Bandar grabbed Bibi's earrings a left.
Bandar scanned the place but didn’t find her.
He looked at his watch mit2a5ra
Bibi looked at herself in the mirror, uff shakle ylawi3 el chabd 9a7 kalam Manoor!
Bibi got out of her car and walked to the entrance.
She looked around and all tables were empty  mit2a5ir!
Bibi ordered and walked upstairs.
Bandar took a deep breath shlon bagolha? Agoolha wala la?
Bandar turned his face and then stood up: Ahlain Bibi 7ayach
She shook his cold hand, her heart nearly stopped when she held his hand.
Bandar pointed at the chair in front of him, she smiled and stretched her hand
Bandar: 5air?
Bibi giggled: taracheye?
Bandar: salim wistilim
Bibi: 5air?
Bandar: a36eech yahom etha ga3adtay
Bibi sat on the chair in front of him
He gave her one earring
Her eyes widened: yalla 3ad Bandar 3a6ne el thanya!
Bandar: ra7 a36eech el thanya etha sima3tay ele bagoola lay el a5ir
Bibi's heart bet faster, she was a bit scared of what he might say.
Bibi: goool!
Bandar was still hesitant on telling her! But he really wanted her to stay.
Bandar: el youm yane a7amd Al flane 3arafteeh?
Bibi nodded rifeej Jasim
Bandar: o sa2alne etha intay 5a6eebat Jasim Al Flani
Bibi: haw Bandar shil  salfa? 9ayir shay?
Bandar: mo 9ayir ila kil 5air ba5ti9ir el mawtho3 wagoolich ele sima3ta
Bibi: ok
Bandar:  Jasim kan ysolf ma3a rab3a gabil cham youm o galhoum ina-
Bibi: ina?
Bandar: ina ohwa ma5thich 3ala 6ima3!
Bibi raised an eyebrow: 3ala 6ima3?
Bandar nodded: ee
Bibi: Bandar –

Bandar: gayil ina awal ma titzwjon nawi inkoum tasknon ib bait oboch bil tha7ya! O ina nawi ba3ad muda ysajil ni9 el bait ib isma o ba3dain-

Bibi stood up: BANDAR INTA SHITGOL!!

Bandar: agoolich el 9ij! Agoolich ele sima3t 3ashan la tirthain feh ba3dain tit7asfain!

Bibi put her hand over her head, Bandar tried to hold her hand and ask her to sit down, she pushed his hand away

Bibi: inta ele i5tirt ina i7na ma ykoun lina 3ala8a fe ba3ath! Inta ele hadaitne o mishait youm gitlik ine-

Bibi's eyes were full of tears, Bandar tried to hold her hand to let her sit down, she pushed his hand away.

Bibi: laish?I5tifait sintain! Sintain!O lama arid ashoofik bidal la tkoun min7irij mine o nadman yay t5arib baine o bain Jasim? 3umrik ma kint chithi! Ta'3ayart… ta'3ayart wayed Bandar

Bandar: Bibi wala el 7ache 9ij! Musta7el ykoun 8a9de a5arib 3alaich wala a8alil mn sa3adtich

Bibi wiped her tears away and walked away he pulled her back held her hand placed her earring in it and watched her walk away from him.

Monday, November 1, 2010


حدَق في المرآة 

شاهد عينيه

حدق أكثر

شعر بأنه وحيد أكثر مما يلزم

كسر المرآة

سالت ملامحه


!مؤلم الحزن الذي المحه بعينيك و الاكثر ايلاما ًمعرفتي سبب هذا الحزن
!تفاءل , كل شيء سيكون كما تريد