Friday, September 27, 2013

Empty Spaces -17-

*Thank you ALL for the comments and support!!
*Just to make things clear, I skipped the second day of 3aza so what you'll be reading is in the third and last day of the 3aza.
Enjoy it!!!

Lama opened her eyes and saw Barak, he held her hand the whole night and it made her feel safe.

Her head was pounding and her eyes burned, she let Barak's go and walked to the bathroom. Splashed cold water on her face, Her grandmother was gone and that was a fact that she had to live with.

She walked to the bathtub, filled it with warm water.. she touched the water with her finger.. perfect warmth.

Barak opened his eyes, Lama wasn’t beside him, he quickly jumped out of bed to the living room.


She wasn’t there, He walked back to the bedroom leaned his head closer to the bathroom door.


He got no reply, he heard nothing.

Barak opened the bathroom door slowly and found Lama laying down in the bathtub, her eyes were closed, she didn’t even feel the door being opened. He was really worried about her.

Barak: o sawaitlich ryoug ba3ad!

Lama smiled: kilish mo yo3ana!

Barak: inzain shda3wa? Jablene 3al 6awla?

Barak wanted Lama to eat, she didn’t eat anything decent for two days.

Barak: el yoom akhir yoom?

Lama nodded, she poured herself some orange juice.

Barak: Lama 7abebte!! Elshay elwa7eed ele in7a6 eb 7aljich hal youmain may! 
Wal7een 3a9er? Wala mu zain! Tikfaain 3ashane iklay shay

Lama sighed.

Barak: Labna wala jibn?

Lama didn’t want to let him down: Labna

Lama and Barak finished their breakfast, and just like the past two days he'd drop her.

She slowly walked to her closet, wore a black shirt, black sweatpants and walked to her abaya.


Lama held her abaya and mobile in her hand and nodded her head, Barak held her hand and walked to the elevator.
The hours went by so slow, Lama really wanted the 3aza to be over.

"Ma biga shay"

Lama's cousin whispered.

"Oboy dazzle message tawa tgoul ina bekalmna ib mawtho3 fa la tamsheen"

Lama nodded.

All woman left and only family members remained.

Lama saw her uncles and cousins walk to the living room, she took off her abaya and walked to them.

She sat beside Aziz: wain Barak?

Aziz: ga3id yan6rich bara

Lama wanted to leave them and rush to Barak.

Lama felt her mobile vibrate.
7abebte ana na6rich bara mita ma khalastay ta3alay

She smiled, she didn't imagine her life without him now.

"Ana myam3koum el yoom 3ashan agoulkom ele ana o 3amamkom itifaqna 3alaih"
Lama's uncle started talking.

"Ba3ad wafat omi allah yir7amha..el bait 9ar bait waratha"

Lama didn’t like where he was going.

"Fa qararna nbee3a"

Lama: NA3AM?

Aziz: 3ami 7amid min 9ijik?

"ee min 9iji! Nkhaleeh shnsawe feh ya yuba? Kil wa7id fena 3ind baita! Wetha tabe nashri6 3ala ele ib yshtre ykhaleek m2ajir el shiqa ele foug"

Lama was too shocked, she had no reply and nothing to say to them, how could they even think about that?

Lama: yaditi ma midaha tiwafat o bidaitaw tqasmoon el7alal!!? Ni6raw shway 3al aqal! 7asisoona inkom mit'thaygeen!!

Lama rushed out of the house, she saw Barak leaning on his car waiting for her.


Barak: shfeeech?!!

Lama: bebi3on bait omi Noura

Lama threw herself in his arms and cried: goulhom la ybe3ouna!!

Barak was shocked: khal aridich elbait imshay Lama

Lama pulled away: Barak!!! Ga3id tisma3ne? bebi3on bait omi Noura! Elbait ele tarabaina feeh! O 3ishnaa feeh!! Elbait ele feeh re7at'ha o hdoumha o darha! Bebi3oona Barak!!!

Barak: Lama please rikbay elsayara khal aridch el bait o ba3dain nshouf shnsawe!
Lama walked to the car.
Barak dropped Lama home, he called Shoug to stay with her.

"Baro7 mishwar warid!"

Lama wiped her tears: okay bas la t6awil

Barak smiled: 7athir
Barak came back home and saw Lama sleeping on the couch, he brushed her hair with his hand: Lama goumay namay bil daar

Lama opened her eyes: Barak bait omi Noura

Barak: oshh 7abebte bas namay
A week passed, Lama felt better and she started going back to her daily routine, back to her classes.


Lama: hala!

Barak: wainch?

Lama: bil jam3a laish? Barak Shfeeek?

Barak laughed: mafene shay! Elwa7id ma ydig yt6aman 3ala murta?

Lama smiled: imbala

Barak: mita tkhal9een?

Lama: thalaath

Barak: olaaa! Inzain sh3indch al7een?

Lama: break sa3a bas!

Barak: kani yayich!

Lama: laish? Shilsafa?

Barak: byyyyeeee

Lama: heeey yal maleeq! Iff bye!

Barak picked Lama up and drove off.

Lama: wain bnro7?

Barak smiled and didn’t say a word.

Lama: barak wain bnro7? Ya milqik!!! Riddd 3alay!

Barak laughed.

Lama: khalas mabe a3arif

Lama was silent for less than a minute: imbala abe a3arf!! Barak wain mwadene!

Barak laughed.

Lama noticed that the road that he's taking leads to her grandmother's house. Her heart sunk and she was silent.

Barak parked in front of her grandmother house.

Lama: Barak? Jad wala?

Barak didn’t say a word, he grabbed a paper got out of the car and walked to Lama's door.

Lama: BARAK!

He opened the door and grabbed Lama's hand, her eyes were filled with tears.

Lama: Barak please

Lama buried her head in his chest and tired to hold her tears.


Lama raised her head.

"Bait mama Noura 9ar baitch"

Lama pulled herself away: shno ya3ni?

Barak smiled: sharaitlich el bait!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Empty Spaces -16-

*I got a request on to post what previously happened last post, I'll start doing 
that! Thank you for the suggestion ;D

*I'm thinking of ending the story soon! What do you guys think about that?

Enjoy it!

"Ma tadren? Jad wai3!! Ygolch tdour 3ala ele 3indhom floos o tsawe 3umrha 
elfaqeera el maskena! O ma ghair ya9rfon 3alaiha!"

Lama was disgusted by what she overheard two girls saying.

"Laa shfech!! Kanat wiyana bil madrisa ma tathkrenha? Fay AlFlani"

Lama was too shocked,  were they talking about the same Fay that Barak loved? Or maybe a girl with the same name?

Lama couldn't focus in class, a lot of ideas were going through her head and it felt like the clock isn’t moving.

She grabbed her purse and walked out of the classroom, she was distracting all the way back home, what if the girl they talked about was Fay that Barak loved?

Lama parked her car and walked to the elevator and up to her apartment. 


Lama smiled: halaa

Barak: radaitay? China mbachr!

Lama: ee la3at chabdi min el class o 6ala3t!!

Lama sat on the couch in front of Barak.

Barak: waih Lama! Jablaay derastich! Khalasay hal course 3ala khair!

Lama: waay barak ya sheen hal 6ari!

Barak: Lama fech shay?

Lama: la laish?

Barak: madri shfech a7is balich mo wiyach?

Lama went silent for a couple of seconds.

Barak: Lamaa??

Lama: Baraaak el yoom wana bil jam3a sima3t bintain ysolfon-

Barak: eee?

Lama: 3an wa7da isimha Fay

Barak sighed: walaain

Lama: o ina shlon tdour 3ala el riyayeel o-


Lama: bas ma anlam!

Barak: LA IMBALA TINLAMAIN! Lama kil ma 9irna sh7lona trideen tyeben 6areeha! Mit3amda? Gha9ib tabeen tsaween mishakil?

Lama: la wala!!!

Barak: Lama intay murti!! Wa7ibich! Wala ya6re 3ala bali a7ad ghairich!!

Lama felt the blood rush in her body, it was the first time that Barak tells her that he
 loves her.

Barak sat beside her and held her hands: bas khalas la tfakren feha wala ib ay a7ad ghairna!

Lama smiled: 7athir

Barak: o tara gilt shay el mafrouth triden 3alaih!

Lama giggled: adri

Barak: ridaaay!!

Lama blushed and looked away: mani gayla Barak

Barak: laish ballah?

Lama: bas asti7i

Barak laughed: tis7een min raylich?

Lama: eee

Lama stood up and rushed to the door, ana banzil 3ind Shoug!

Barak: ee ee in7ashay! Ma midane shiftich!

Lama: a7san 3ashan tolaah 3alay!

Barak smiled.

Lama walked to Shoug's room: Shouuuuuuug

She opened the door Shoug wasn’t there, she walked to the living room.

Lama: Shougoo? Intay hne wana adawrich!

Lama noticed that Shoug's face was pale, She looked at Barak's mother.

Lama: khalti shfeekoum?

Barak's mother: Lama 7abebte ta3alay gi3day bagolch shay

Lama had a quick flashback,  She heard the exact same sentence when her parents died.

Lama: mabe aga3ad! Khalti sh9ayir?

Shoug: Lama gi3day wingoulch!


Lama's eyes were automatically filled with tears.

Barak: Lama shfech? Sh9ayir?

Lama: madri Barak mu ratheen ygolole!!!

Barak gave Lama a side hug: enshallah mako ila kil khair.. yuma?

Barak's mother sighed: Omch Noura tiwafat

Lama suddenly felt numb, she couldn’t feel her legs.. she felt Barak's arms lift her.

Barak: smila 3alaich!! Lama 9alay 3al nibii!!

They helped her lay down on the couch..Everything was blurry, all voices were so loud, and her body felt so heavy.

She couldn’t imagine losing her grandmother, she was the only family Lama and 3aziz had, how would they go on without her? How is Aziz now? Does he know or not yet?

Lama closed her eyes, she felt the warm tears roll down her cheeks, Lama heard Barak's voice, he is her family now, he's her everything.

"Barak" Lama whispered.

Barak: 3youn Barak!!

Lama looked at him, he wiped her tears away: osh ihday

Lama throw herself in his arms, she hugged him real tight, she didn’t want to let him go, she didn’t want to ever lose him.

"oshh 7abebte bas"

"3atham allah ajrkom.. allah yir7amhaa"

Lama nodded and greeted all woman, she didn’t shed a tear or say a word since she heard the news, her abaya was on her shoulders, she adjusted it every once in a while, she kept staring at the water bottle that was in her hand.

She had no idea what to do or say, the living room was filled with woman that claimed to know her grandmother, but none of them can feel the pain she going through..

"Lama khalaas el3aza.. taben nrid el bait al7een?"

Lama raised her head and saw Shoug, she looked at her with a blank face and shook her head.

"Ok.. mita ma baghaitay triden nadene"

Lama sat in the same place, she didn’t move an inch, she didn’t shed a tear yet, she felt her abaya fall of her shoulders..she didn’t even have the energy to adjust it.. the only thing she kept repeating was "ya raab yaa raab", she know that Alllah knew exactly how she felt and what she needed.


Lama raised her head and saw Aziz..She rushed towards him and hugged him..she felt her abaya fall of her shoulder..she felt her brother's tears on her shoulder.

"Mama Nouura ra7at ya Lama ra7at!!"

Lama couldn’t help but cry, she held her brother in her weak arms, he couldn’t stop crying and she tried to be strong for him.. she was the only family he had, they lost their parents and Mama Noura was everything to them.