*Sorry for not posting last week, I had a
hectic week and I wasn't inspired at all.
*This is the last part of the story! I may
write another story if you have any
suggestions or ideas for new stories please
let me know privately on ask or on kik!
*Thank you ALL for the love and support
though out this story and all stories I wrote.
Enjoy it!
Lama sighed while putting her hair in a messy
"what is this?"
"Yalla now go!"
Barak: shfeekoum?
Lama: ta3abt!
Barak laughed: Noora!!! baba! Yalla!
Nora: MAMA
Barak tried to hide his smile: La! 3aib!
Lama looked at Barak while he carried baby
Noora and put her in bed. She looked at
her daughter's brown curls, big eyes
and tiny hands wrapped around her father's
She couldn't ask for anything more, She's
living in the house where she grew up, her husband and daughter are healthy and
happy and that was more than enough.
There was a bit of changes that was done in
the house, but mama Nora's room stayed the same, it still smells like her.. In
rough days Lama walks to Mama Nora's room and stays there for hours.
"tfakren fene?"
Lama giggled: sh'hal thiqa?
Barak: eb ma7alha! Etha ma ra7 tfakren
fene btfakren ib mno?
Lama shrugged her shoulders: shakh9 thani
Barak gave her a straight face: masma3?
Lama whispered: ga3da afakir ib shakh9 thani
Barak: MA ASMA3?
Lama: ohhh khalas khalas ga3da afakir feek!!
Barak: ee 3abali
Lama imitated Barak "eeh 3abaali"
Barak tried to hide his laugh he rushed
towards Lama and started tickling her.
Lama couldn't breathe from laughing.
Lama: baaaas baraaak hidne!!!
Lama tried to escape from Barak's hands that
were wrapped around her.
Barak finally let Lama go, she rushed to
their daughter: hala mama?
Lama found Baby Nora sitting on the floor:
abaih Barak!! Sh6al3aha min frash'ha?
Barak laughed: Nora? Baba!! Shlon nigaztay
min frashich?
Nora couldn't be happier, she was giggling
and clapping, Barak put her back in her bed.
Barak: imshay
Lama: mani mit7arka! Ba3arf shlon ti6la3 min
frash'ha! Wayed 3ali 3alaiha!
Lama and Barak sat on the floor in front of Nora's
bed, they could see her big eyes staring at them waiting for them to leave.
Lama: 7abebe? Nora namat 9a7?
Barak: eee namat!
They heard her giggle and cover her face with
her teddy bear, Lama and Barak stayed in the same place for half an hour, Lama
closed her eyes and put her head on Barak's shoulder.
Barak: 7abebete la tnameen
Lama: hmmm
Barak laughed: gilna la tnameen
Lama: osh
Barak: bas gomay khal nrou7 inaam
Lama: wetha Nora 6la3at min frash'ha?
Barak: ma ra7 ti6la3 goumay!
Lama through herself on Barak while they're
walking to their room.
Barak: maaa amshe 3adil ya3ni?
Lama: kaifik 3ad
Lama and Barak got ready for bed, Lama covered
herself with the blanket.
Barak: shiftay? Gitlich etha khalainaha
Barak closed the lights and got in bed, he
wrapped his arms around Lama and closed his eyes.
Lama: barak sima3t ele sima3ta?
Barak: khasawe nafsna ma sima3na tikfaain
Lama opened the lamp and saw Lama standing
with a wide smile.
Barak laughed: el ibtsamaaaa shireeeeraaaaa!!
Lama: la tith7aak Barak! Khal t7is inha sawat
shay ghala6!
Barak: ta3alaaay 7abeebtaaat Baba!!
Lama: ma9adig!! Baraaak!!! La t3awidha!
Barak carried Nora and put her in bed between
them, Lama looked at her husband,
They went through a lot but they stayed
strong for each other.
Fay married a 90 year old man, he died and
she inherited a big share of his money,
she eventually got what she wanted
which is money and nothing else.
Lama and Barak filled each other's empty spaces, they found the love and felt safe having each other.