1. Shel salfa? The story mo 3ajbatkoum? :/ I dont see a lot of feedback!
2. Si2loooooone :p
3. This post goes to Reema;*
Enjoy it;**
And then the lady asked him a question … he never thought that he'll ever hear!
3afwan bas intaw i5wan?
She pointed at the girl standing beside him.
Bandar didn’t even look at her: la
Lady: Shlon asameekoum nafs el shay?
Bandar's eyes winded and the girl next to him turned around and faced him.
Girl: ee umm o5oy bas mn um thanya
Bandar: na3am?!
Girl: Bandar 3adil?
Bandar nodded.
Girl: haw Bandar shfek ana 3aysha
The girl stretched her hand to shake his but he kept on staring at her
Bandar: 3aysha?
Bandar: ee 3aysha!i5itik mn obok!
Bandar seemed clueless and shocked & she could tell!
Lady: uhh intaw tiwakilaw 3ala allah wi7na niti9il 3alaiikoum
They walked to the door together.
He left.
It was a fact, he left the job, he left the company, he left his desk and the most important point is that he left her.
But he just didn’t leave her heart.
Bibi sat in the meeting room with her hand on her heart, she was worried that if Majid el Flani knew that Bandar left the company and not just the project he won't want to work with her anymore.
Tabe ta8ni3ne ink ma tadri ina 3indik i5wan mn om thanya?
Bandar: ana… ana a9lan madri ina oboy mitzawij 3ala omi! Madri ina ma5ith mara thanya
3aysha: la7tha la7tha la7tha! Bandar omik ihya el thanya! Oboy tizawaj omik 3ala omi!
Bandar rested him body on the wall behind him, it was too much information for a day.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Giving up? {40}
1. T9adgoon esta'3rabt ina some of my readers still ask me questions?
2.Haaa dawamtaw? :p
3. 9ayra a very good blogger o I'm posting kil youm ta8reeban, dont I deserve a feedback (A)?
4. Its a long post as I promised ;)
Enjoy it;*
Bandar: laish la2! yuma hatha 8arare o ma ra7 atraja3 3ana!
Mother: bas ya yuma-
Bandar: yuma tikfaain...
Mother: Bandar 7abebe!
Bandar: yuma! Intay musta7eel tifhmene!
Mother: goole 7abebe gool Yimkin afhimik
Bandar's mother went closer to him and sat beside him.
Bandar sighed: yuma tadren ine… tadren ana shsawait?
His mother looked at him with concerned eyes
Mother: shsawait ya yuma shsawait?!
Bandar: yuma ana 5asart el insana el wa7eeda ele 7abait.ha o 7abatne! 7abat Bandar ele 3omra ma7ad fakar y7iba! 5asart.ha *sigh* Ana 5asart.ha la2ane ma 7asait ine kafo an7ab! Ma 7asait ine kafo 7ubha! TADREN LAISH? la2ana oboy 6oool 3omra ygoole ine insan muta5alif o mo 6abe3e fa mako a7ad ra7 yta8abalne wala y7ibni!
His mother's eyes got full with tears : mama Bandar 7abebe
She put her hand on his shoulder, he stood up.
Mother: 7abebe damik t7ibha laish ma a5a6ibha lik?
Bandar: t5a6beenha le? Sh3igba yuma sh3igba?
-After two days-
She slowly sipped her coffee & stared at the papers in front of her.
*Knock knock*
Bibi lifted her head and found her very pregnant best friend Munera.
Bibi: ahlain!
Munera: 3indi lich 5abar!
Bibi: golay!
Munera put her hand on her belly: walad!
Bibi: Mabrooooooooooooooook! Way Zayod be6ir mn el wanasa!!
Munera: eee adri adri! Awal ma yrid el bait bagoola!!
Bibi smiled.
Munera: Babon
Bibi: hmm?
Munera: chinch '6a3fana!?
Bibi faked a smile & shook her head.
Where is Bandar?!
His mother sighed.
Two weeks passed on the last day Bandar saw Bibi in, he didn’t leave his brushes and paints!
He sunk in his sadness & depression, he missed her…. he missed seeing her every morning, he missed her smile… he missed everything about her
-The next day-
*Knock knock*
Sawsan: istizi?
Bibi: na3am?
Sawsan: badek coffee?
Bibi gave her a weak smile & nodded: etha ma 3alaich kalafa
Sawsan smiled & left the office to bring Bibi her coffee
Zaid entered the office & found her sipping her coffee and looking outside the window.
He knocked the door twice but she didn’t notice.
She sighed and turned around; every time she hears the door Bibi wishes that it might be Bandar.
"Ahlain Zayod" She said while still looking outside the window.
He sat down
Bibi: tawni ala7i'6 ina mikatibna it6il 3al ba7ar
Zaid: bas mo seda 3al ba7ar 3ad
Bibi sighed
Zaid: Babon?
Bibi: na3am
Zaid: wa83teha?
Bibi turned around to face him: wa8a3t.ha?!
Zaid: ee
Bibi went and sat on the chair in front of Zaid
Bibi: shno ihya?
Zaid: isti8alta
Bibi: isti8alat mno?
Zaid: Bandar
Bibi: *gasp* Bandar ista8al?!
A part of her knew that he will resign but the other part hoped that he'll come back.
Zaid: ee! Isti8alta tiwa8a3at mn yadi mn youmain, ma w9iltich?!
Bibi: la ma w9alat
She picked up the phone & called human recourses.
Bibi: aloo... fahad? Mn mita wa9litik isti8alat Bandar el flani?! Mn 3 ayam wana a5ir mn ya3lam?! Ma tadri inha lazm titwa8a3 mini 3ashan tamshi?
Zaid: Babon tara-
She couldn’t keep it inside her anymore; she needed to pour it all out
Bibi: giltla! Adri ma y9er bas gilt.ha! Gilt.ha O gali ina ma yistahilni! O-
Zaid was shocked: Bibi!
Bibi: adri ina '3ala6 bas 5ala9 5ali9at el salfa! *sigh*
Zaid: Babon intay ib 7isbat i5ti O a5af 3alaich wana mn el bidaya-
Bibi: Zaid! 5ala9 5ala9 el salfa 5ali9at ma yinfa3 el 7achi al7en!
Zaid: 3ala ra7tich
He stood up, Sawsan entered the room while Zaid was leaving.
Sawsan: istizi 3indik ijtima3 ma3a-
Bibi: ajleeh!
Sawsan: bas-
Bibi: Sawsan gilt ajleeh!
Sawsan: 7a'6ir
Bandar: yuma tikfain 5aloni bro7i!
Um Bandar: yuma 7abebe 9arlik 3ala hal 7al isbo3ain mo zain!
Bandar sighed
She grabbed her purse, got out of the car & entered the house
She took a deep breath & walked towards the stairs
Bibi 7abebte?
Bibi turned around: hala yuba
Grandfather: ta3alay gi3day ma3ay shway
Bibi smiled & walked towards her grandfather
She sat beside him
Grandfather: sha5bar el 8isim?
Bibi nodded: zain
Grandfather: el sh'3il mashi ha?
Bibi: ee
Grandfather: Majid el flani s2alni 3an Bandar, giltla ina ista8al
Bibi sighed and nodded.
Grandfather: kan wida ina ykamil el shi'3il ma3ah
Bibi faked a smile.
Grandfather: Bibi yuba
Bibi: na3am?
Grandfather: shlounch?
Her eyes teared up, she knew that her grandfather understood her more than anyone else!
Mo b5air yuba! Mo b5air! Wayed walhana 3alaih!
Bibi: el 7imdallah b5air
Bandar took a deep breath will waiting
"8i6a3 7ikoumi, 8i6a3 7ikoumi" He kept on telling himself.
Lady: o5oy inta ele tawik 3a6itne el 6alab el wathefe??
Bandar nodded.
Lady: Bandar Flan Al flani?
Bandar nodded again.
The lady looked at Bandar's file & another file beside her,then she looked at Bandar again
yaah hathe shfeeha?
And then the lady asked him a question … he never thought that he'll ever hear!
1. T9adgoon esta'3rabt ina some of my readers still ask me questions?
2.Haaa dawamtaw? :p
3. 9ayra a very good blogger o I'm posting kil youm ta8reeban, dont I deserve a feedback (A)?
4. Its a long post as I promised ;)
Enjoy it;*
Bandar: laish la2! yuma hatha 8arare o ma ra7 atraja3 3ana!
Mother: bas ya yuma-
Bandar: yuma tikfaain...
Mother: Bandar 7abebe!
Bandar: yuma! Intay musta7eel tifhmene!
Mother: goole 7abebe gool Yimkin afhimik
Bandar's mother went closer to him and sat beside him.
Bandar sighed: yuma tadren ine… tadren ana shsawait?
His mother looked at him with concerned eyes
Mother: shsawait ya yuma shsawait?!
Bandar: yuma ana 5asart el insana el wa7eeda ele 7abait.ha o 7abatne! 7abat Bandar ele 3omra ma7ad fakar y7iba! 5asart.ha *sigh* Ana 5asart.ha la2ane ma 7asait ine kafo an7ab! Ma 7asait ine kafo 7ubha! TADREN LAISH? la2ana oboy 6oool 3omra ygoole ine insan muta5alif o mo 6abe3e fa mako a7ad ra7 yta8abalne wala y7ibni!
His mother's eyes got full with tears : mama Bandar 7abebe
She put her hand on his shoulder, he stood up.
Mother: 7abebe damik t7ibha laish ma a5a6ibha lik?
Bandar: t5a6beenha le? Sh3igba yuma sh3igba?
-After two days-
She slowly sipped her coffee & stared at the papers in front of her.
*Knock knock*
Bibi lifted her head and found her very pregnant best friend Munera.
Bibi: ahlain!
Munera: 3indi lich 5abar!
Bibi: golay!
Munera put her hand on her belly: walad!
Bibi: Mabrooooooooooooooook! Way Zayod be6ir mn el wanasa!!
Munera: eee adri adri! Awal ma yrid el bait bagoola!!
Bibi smiled.
Munera: Babon
Bibi: hmm?
Munera: chinch '6a3fana!?
Bibi faked a smile & shook her head.
Where is Bandar?!
His mother sighed.
Two weeks passed on the last day Bandar saw Bibi in, he didn’t leave his brushes and paints!
He sunk in his sadness & depression, he missed her…. he missed seeing her every morning, he missed her smile… he missed everything about her
-The next day-
*Knock knock*
Sawsan: istizi?
Bibi: na3am?
Sawsan: badek coffee?
Bibi gave her a weak smile & nodded: etha ma 3alaich kalafa
Sawsan smiled & left the office to bring Bibi her coffee
Zaid entered the office & found her sipping her coffee and looking outside the window.
He knocked the door twice but she didn’t notice.
She sighed and turned around; every time she hears the door Bibi wishes that it might be Bandar.
"Ahlain Zayod" She said while still looking outside the window.
He sat down
Bibi: tawni ala7i'6 ina mikatibna it6il 3al ba7ar
Zaid: bas mo seda 3al ba7ar 3ad
Bibi sighed
Zaid: Babon?
Bibi: na3am
Zaid: wa83teha?
Bibi turned around to face him: wa8a3t.ha?!
Zaid: ee
Bibi went and sat on the chair in front of Zaid
Bibi: shno ihya?
Zaid: isti8alta
Bibi: isti8alat mno?
Zaid: Bandar
Bibi: *gasp* Bandar ista8al?!
A part of her knew that he will resign but the other part hoped that he'll come back.
Zaid: ee! Isti8alta tiwa8a3at mn yadi mn youmain, ma w9iltich?!
Bibi: la ma w9alat
She picked up the phone & called human recourses.
Bibi: aloo... fahad? Mn mita wa9litik isti8alat Bandar el flani?! Mn 3 ayam wana a5ir mn ya3lam?! Ma tadri inha lazm titwa8a3 mini 3ashan tamshi?
Zaid: Babon tara-
She couldn’t keep it inside her anymore; she needed to pour it all out
Bibi: giltla! Adri ma y9er bas gilt.ha! Gilt.ha O gali ina ma yistahilni! O-
Zaid was shocked: Bibi!
Bibi: adri ina '3ala6 bas 5ala9 5ali9at el salfa! *sigh*
Zaid: Babon intay ib 7isbat i5ti O a5af 3alaich wana mn el bidaya-
Bibi: Zaid! 5ala9 5ala9 el salfa 5ali9at ma yinfa3 el 7achi al7en!
Zaid: 3ala ra7tich
He stood up, Sawsan entered the room while Zaid was leaving.
Sawsan: istizi 3indik ijtima3 ma3a-
Bibi: ajleeh!
Sawsan: bas-
Bibi: Sawsan gilt ajleeh!
Sawsan: 7a'6ir
Bandar: yuma tikfain 5aloni bro7i!
Um Bandar: yuma 7abebe 9arlik 3ala hal 7al isbo3ain mo zain!
Bandar sighed
She grabbed her purse, got out of the car & entered the house
She took a deep breath & walked towards the stairs
Bibi 7abebte?
Bibi turned around: hala yuba
Grandfather: ta3alay gi3day ma3ay shway
Bibi smiled & walked towards her grandfather
She sat beside him
Grandfather: sha5bar el 8isim?
Bibi nodded: zain
Grandfather: el sh'3il mashi ha?
Bibi: ee
Grandfather: Majid el flani s2alni 3an Bandar, giltla ina ista8al
Bibi sighed and nodded.
Grandfather: kan wida ina ykamil el shi'3il ma3ah
Bibi faked a smile.
Grandfather: Bibi yuba
Bibi: na3am?
Grandfather: shlounch?
Her eyes teared up, she knew that her grandfather understood her more than anyone else!
Mo b5air yuba! Mo b5air! Wayed walhana 3alaih!
Bibi: el 7imdallah b5air
Bandar took a deep breath will waiting
"8i6a3 7ikoumi, 8i6a3 7ikoumi" He kept on telling himself.
Lady: o5oy inta ele tawik 3a6itne el 6alab el wathefe??
Bandar nodded.
Lady: Bandar Flan Al flani?
Bandar nodded again.
The lady looked at Bandar's file & another file beside her,then she looked at Bandar again
yaah hathe shfeeha?
And then the lady asked him a question … he never thought that he'll ever hear!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Giving up? {39}
1. I'm really happy la2ana A LOT of my silent readers are not silent any more! THANK YOU:*
2. This post goes to Anon N:**
Enjoy it;*
Bibi didn’t move an inch.
Bibi ba6lay el bab!
She closed her eyes and a tear escaped her eyelid.
"Magdar" she whispered.
Her breathing was quickening she closed her eyes trying to keep her breathing steady.
Munera started knocking on the door harder.
Bibi sat straight put her hand on her head a5 rase thgeel ,she walked with heavy steps to the door … unlocked it
Munera: *gasp* shfech?
Bibi's eyes were red from crying, her
Bibi threw herself on bed, Munera rushed and sat beside her.
He entered the house and it was dark.
Bandar was walking to his room when he passed by his mother and not even looking at her.
He stopped: na3am yuma?
Ha 7abebe 3asa istanast?
A5aih ya yuma law tadren 3an ele i9ar
He just nodded.
Ti9ba7 3ala 5air 7abebe
Wintay mn ahala
He didn’t turn around he didn’t want to face her, what if she asks him about what happed today or what's wrong with what would he say?
Bandar walked to his room, he tried to take a deep breath… but he felt like was out of breath … like her wasn’t breathing
He threw himself on his bed
Put his hand on his chest… his heart was aching
He sat on his bed closed his eyes and saw her face… her sad face, her tears, and the way his heart aced when he saw pain in her eyes.
Bandar was a huge part of her life, she spent exactly 14 days working with him on the project, she knew his favorite color, shared some of her funny childhood memories and talked to him about her parents, Bibi got used on having him around her but she got rejected by him which broke her heart.
She bit her lips and held her pillow tighter.
Laish sawa fena chithi laish?
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Bas lazm ma afakir feh
Bandar pulled a file and then a paper fell on the floor, he grabbed it and smiled… it was the funny drawing that bibi drew when she was trying to show Bandar her artistic side, his heart ached at the thought of her, he missed her and he tried with all his power not to show it.
Bibi put her mobile on silent mode, put her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.
Bachr youm ydeed O sa3eed
She tried to giggle after the rhythm that she made but couldn’t.
bachr youm ydeed o sa3eed 7ata law Bandar ma kan feeh!
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Bandar: laish la2! yuma hatha 8arare o ma ra7 atraja3 3ana!
Mother: bas ya yuma-
Bandar: yuma tikfaain...
1. I'm really happy la2ana A LOT of my silent readers are not silent any more! THANK YOU:*
2. This post goes to Anon N:**
Enjoy it;*
Bibi didn’t move an inch.
Bibi ba6lay el bab!
She closed her eyes and a tear escaped her eyelid.
"Magdar" she whispered.
Her breathing was quickening she closed her eyes trying to keep her breathing steady.
Munera started knocking on the door harder.
Bibi sat straight put her hand on her head a5 rase thgeel ,she walked with heavy steps to the door … unlocked it
Munera: *gasp* shfech?
Bibi's eyes were red from crying, her
Bibi threw herself on bed, Munera rushed and sat beside her.
He entered the house and it was dark.
Bandar was walking to his room when he passed by his mother and not even looking at her.
He stopped: na3am yuma?
Ha 7abebe 3asa istanast?
A5aih ya yuma law tadren 3an ele i9ar
He just nodded.
Ti9ba7 3ala 5air 7abebe
Wintay mn ahala
He didn’t turn around he didn’t want to face her, what if she asks him about what happed today or what's wrong with what would he say?
Bandar walked to his room, he tried to take a deep breath… but he felt like was out of breath … like her wasn’t breathing
He threw himself on his bed
Put his hand on his chest… his heart was aching
He sat on his bed closed his eyes and saw her face… her sad face, her tears, and the way his heart aced when he saw pain in her eyes.
Bandar was a huge part of her life, she spent exactly 14 days working with him on the project, she knew his favorite color, shared some of her funny childhood memories and talked to him about her parents, Bibi got used on having him around her but she got rejected by him which broke her heart.
She bit her lips and held her pillow tighter.
Laish sawa fena chithi laish?
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
Bas lazm ma afakir feh
Bandar pulled a file and then a paper fell on the floor, he grabbed it and smiled… it was the funny drawing that bibi drew when she was trying to show Bandar her artistic side, his heart ached at the thought of her, he missed her and he tried with all his power not to show it.
Bibi put her mobile on silent mode, put her head on the pillow and closed her eyes.
Bachr youm ydeed O sa3eed
She tried to giggle after the rhythm that she made but couldn’t.
bachr youm ydeed o sa3eed 7ata law Bandar ma kan feeh!
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
Bandar: laish la2! yuma hatha 8arare o ma ra7 atraja3 3ana!
Mother: bas ya yuma-
Bandar: yuma tikfaain...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Giving up? {38}
1. Thank you for ur supportive comments bil last post ur really made my feel better;**
2. This post goes to my new "ex silent readers" Anon S and Anon Zee:*
Enjoy it;*
Bibi: Bandar tyene 7alat a7tajik feeha bas 3umri ma 7asaitik mi7tajle!
Bandar was silent
BANDAR! mi7tajtik ti7tajni!
Bandar: ma agdar!
Bibi: laish?!
Bandar: Bibi ana ma a7taj a7ad yasnid 3alay ana th3ef!
He sighed.
Bibi: la Bandar inta mo th3eef! Mo la2ana obok yshoofik th3eef ma3anata hal 7achi 9ij!
Bandar: etha i3timadtay O tisanadtay 3ala el nass-
Bibi: Bandar inta mo ay insan! Bandar ana… ana-
Bandar: la! La intay ma *sigh* ana bas kasir 5a6rich, la2ani lal7en ansab wan6ag mn oboy wana rayal shkubri! Ana kasir 5a6rich la2ani th3eef o mahzooz mn da5el
Bibi: Bandar inta mo th3eef!
Bandar: Bibi mabe a9er jiz2 mn 7ayat ay a7ad!
Bibi: Bandar inta 9irt jiz2 mn galbi!
His heart aced when she said that sentence, he sighed and went closer to her and cupped her face with his hands
Bandar: Bibi
Her eyes teared up
Bandar sighed: Bibi…ana mo misti3id! Mo misti3id ine akon mohim 3ind a7ad! Mo misti3id ine anfigid… ana 6ool 3umri 3ayish broo7i ib hdoo2 o min3izil 3an el nass! Ma7ad yafgidni wala afgid a7ad! Mo misti3id ina y9er 3indi i7sas itijah ay sha59, Bibi-
He brushed his hand on her wet cheek.
Bandar: el wagt 5adar masha3ri ma gimt a7is, ma gimt a7is ib ay shay, el dinya tamshi fene wana ib nafs mukani ma ata7arak!
Bibi: laish *sniff* Bandar laish tsawi fena chithi?
Bandar: la2anich tistahlain wa7id a7san mini, ana ma astahlich
Bibi: Bandar la tgool chithi!
A tear fell on her face, he wiped it away.
Bandar: Bibi intay tistahlain wa7id a7san mini! 7awlay tifhmene!
And he left, he left her and walked to his car.
Bibi rushed inside the house and ran to her room and threw herself on the bed and cried
She cried because she loved him!
She cried because he left!
She cried because she got rejected!
Bibi just stayed in bed and cried…
1. Thank you for ur supportive comments bil last post ur really made my feel better;**
2. This post goes to my new "ex silent readers" Anon S and Anon Zee:*
Enjoy it;*
Bibi: Bandar tyene 7alat a7tajik feeha bas 3umri ma 7asaitik mi7tajle!
Bandar was silent
BANDAR! mi7tajtik ti7tajni!
Bandar: ma agdar!
Bibi: laish?!
Bandar: Bibi ana ma a7taj a7ad yasnid 3alay ana th3ef!
He sighed.
Bibi: la Bandar inta mo th3eef! Mo la2ana obok yshoofik th3eef ma3anata hal 7achi 9ij!
Bandar: etha i3timadtay O tisanadtay 3ala el nass-
Bibi: Bandar inta mo ay insan! Bandar ana… ana-
Bandar: la! La intay ma *sigh* ana bas kasir 5a6rich, la2ani lal7en ansab wan6ag mn oboy wana rayal shkubri! Ana kasir 5a6rich la2ani th3eef o mahzooz mn da5el
Bibi: Bandar inta mo th3eef!
Bandar: Bibi mabe a9er jiz2 mn 7ayat ay a7ad!
Bibi: Bandar inta 9irt jiz2 mn galbi!
His heart aced when she said that sentence, he sighed and went closer to her and cupped her face with his hands
Bandar: Bibi
Her eyes teared up
Bandar sighed: Bibi…ana mo misti3id! Mo misti3id ine akon mohim 3ind a7ad! Mo misti3id ine anfigid… ana 6ool 3umri 3ayish broo7i ib hdoo2 o min3izil 3an el nass! Ma7ad yafgidni wala afgid a7ad! Mo misti3id ina y9er 3indi i7sas itijah ay sha59, Bibi-
He brushed his hand on her wet cheek.
Bandar: el wagt 5adar masha3ri ma gimt a7is, ma gimt a7is ib ay shay, el dinya tamshi fene wana ib nafs mukani ma ata7arak!
Bibi: laish *sniff* Bandar laish tsawi fena chithi?
Bandar: la2anich tistahlain wa7id a7san mini, ana ma astahlich
Bibi: Bandar la tgool chithi!
A tear fell on her face, he wiped it away.
Bandar: Bibi intay tistahlain wa7id a7san mini! 7awlay tifhmene!
And he left, he left her and walked to his car.
Bibi rushed inside the house and ran to her room and threw herself on the bed and cried
She cried because she loved him!
She cried because he left!
She cried because she got rejected!
Bibi just stayed in bed and cried…
Friday, September 17, 2010

Tadron ine wayed malgoofa o abid6 el chabd?! Ee na3am ana abi6 el chabd! Ana shallah 7adne ata7acha? Haa gololee? Shallah 7aaaaaadne?! A9lan laish ta7achait! Ana 7alatne sakta o ma a3a6e raye ib shay wala a3ali8 3ala shay la2ane dayman anfihim '3ala6! O La2ane 9aree7a o 9ara7te dayman tijra7houm! Fa laish at7acha?! Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaish? Shmi3na ana lama a7ad yjra7ne ib kalma askit o ma agol shay wa5ish ib galbi?! Laish ma a9er nafs.houm?!
O azeedkoum mn el sh3ir bait! Ele rash mil7 3al jar7 ina ma 3inde a7ad a6ali3 7arite 3inda! Wanasa mo?! A8ath shay bil dinya lama el wa7id ykoun 7ail 3ala niyata o ma ya89id shay mo zain ib kalama bas yinfihim kalama 100% el 3ax !!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Giving up? {37}
1. Shlonkoum?!
2. Lajlik tit'3ayar fi9ool tam6ir el '3ayma ib 3youni , tazhir jbaal o s.hoool i'67akeeeeeee biya o bdoooon 9adgeeeeeeneeeeee! <--- m3alga ib rasi
3. I just wrote 2 ipic posts! el post el yaya wele 3ugba! :p
Enjoy it;**
Uff wain i5tifa?
Bibi walked to the empty part of the garden, it was so dark and quite.
she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, adri ina mo jawa bas ham shda3wa ra7 imbachr chithi!
Then she felt a light tap on her shoulder, she slowly turned around. And found Bandar with a smile on his face, she smiled back.
Bandar: quwa
Bibi: allah ygawik
Bibi and Bandar kept on staring at each other he couldn’t take his eyes off her and she started blushing.
Bibi: wain i5tifait?
Bandar: ma i5tfait
Bibi raised an eyebrow he giggled and sat on a chair, Bibi sat next to him
Bandar: shiftich ashartay 3ala 3i9am o umm--
Bibi: eee?
Bandar: o 3abali inch btroo7en--
Bibi: eeeeeeee?
Bandar rubbed his forehead and giggled.
Bibi tried to hide her smiled, he was too cute!
Bibi Bandar y'3aaaar!: um lal7en ma fahamt! Laish i5tfait?!
Bandar: china el jaw ista3dal el youm
Bibi giggled: kilish mo chithi ythay3oon el salfa!
Bandar smiled: uff shtabene agoolich?
Bibi: gooley laish faj2a i5tifait wishda5al 3i9am bil mawthoo3?
Bandar: shiftich yaya 9oobi ba3dain faj2a gimtay t2ashreen 3ala 3i9am o gilt ina Yimkin kintay taben-
Bibi: Bandar kint yaytik
Bandar smiled.
Bibi: bas yaditi wagifatni ts2alne 3ana, yaditi refeejat omi '3aneema
Bandar nodded.
Bibi: Bandar inta t'3aar?
She wiggled her eyebrows, he laughed.
Bandar: a'3ar?!
Bibi: ee t'3ar mn 3i9am!
Bandar: 3ala mno?
Bibi blushed: 3ala mno ya3ni? Yaditi?!
Bandar laughed: la ma a'3ar mina 3ala yaditich
Bibi: waaaaaay Bandar la tista3bi6!
Bandar smiled.
Bibi: el mohim! Shele '3ayar rayik laish yet?
Bandar: Zaid 3azamne o ma ba'3ait arida
Bibi: aha! Ana tridne bas Zaid ma yinraad!
Bandar nodded: bil thab6
Bibi gasped and stood up: Bandar! Inta mfanash! 5alaaaaaaaaaa9 ana fanashtik!
Bandar giggled: ta3alay yuba ta3alay el wa7id ma yit'3ashamr ma3ach?
Bibi: hahahaha '3ashmartik wayed t'6a7ik!
Bandar grabbed her hand and pulled her next to him, she sat closer to him than earlier ,They were quite for a while, his hand brushed into her's and she got goose bumps.
Bandar: shlonch al7en?
Bibi smiled: a7san
Bandar smiled.
Bibi: Bandar?
Bandar: na3am?
Bibi: ma tla7ith ina ana etha 9arat 3indi mishkila bsir3a agoolik ele ib galbi! O ma a5alee shay ma agoola
Bandar nodded.
Bibi: laish inta ma tgoole ele ib galbik? Sa3at a7isik mahmoom bas ma tit7acha! Wasa7ib el 7achi minik tisi7ib!
Bandar sighed.
Bibi: Bandar tyene 7alat a7tajik feeha bas 3umri ma 7asaitik mi7tajle!
1. Shlonkoum?!
2. Lajlik tit'3ayar fi9ool tam6ir el '3ayma ib 3youni , tazhir jbaal o s.hoool i'67akeeeeeee biya o bdoooon 9adgeeeeeeneeeeee! <--- m3alga ib rasi
3. I just wrote 2 ipic posts! el post el yaya wele 3ugba! :p
Enjoy it;**
Uff wain i5tifa?
Bibi walked to the empty part of the garden, it was so dark and quite.
she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, adri ina mo jawa bas ham shda3wa ra7 imbachr chithi!
Then she felt a light tap on her shoulder, she slowly turned around. And found Bandar with a smile on his face, she smiled back.
Bandar: quwa
Bibi: allah ygawik
Bibi and Bandar kept on staring at each other he couldn’t take his eyes off her and she started blushing.
Bibi: wain i5tifait?
Bandar: ma i5tfait
Bibi raised an eyebrow he giggled and sat on a chair, Bibi sat next to him
Bandar: shiftich ashartay 3ala 3i9am o umm--
Bibi: eee?
Bandar: o 3abali inch btroo7en--
Bibi: eeeeeeee?
Bandar rubbed his forehead and giggled.
Bibi tried to hide her smiled, he was too cute!
Bibi Bandar y'3aaaar!: um lal7en ma fahamt! Laish i5tfait?!
Bandar: china el jaw ista3dal el youm
Bibi giggled: kilish mo chithi ythay3oon el salfa!
Bandar smiled: uff shtabene agoolich?
Bibi: gooley laish faj2a i5tifait wishda5al 3i9am bil mawthoo3?
Bandar: shiftich yaya 9oobi ba3dain faj2a gimtay t2ashreen 3ala 3i9am o gilt ina Yimkin kintay taben-
Bibi: Bandar kint yaytik
Bandar smiled.
Bibi: bas yaditi wagifatni ts2alne 3ana, yaditi refeejat omi '3aneema
Bandar nodded.
Bibi: Bandar inta t'3aar?
She wiggled her eyebrows, he laughed.
Bandar: a'3ar?!
Bibi: ee t'3ar mn 3i9am!
Bandar: 3ala mno?
Bibi blushed: 3ala mno ya3ni? Yaditi?!
Bandar laughed: la ma a'3ar mina 3ala yaditich
Bibi: waaaaaay Bandar la tista3bi6!
Bandar smiled.
Bibi: el mohim! Shele '3ayar rayik laish yet?
Bandar: Zaid 3azamne o ma ba'3ait arida
Bibi: aha! Ana tridne bas Zaid ma yinraad!
Bandar nodded: bil thab6
Bibi gasped and stood up: Bandar! Inta mfanash! 5alaaaaaaaaaa9 ana fanashtik!
Bandar giggled: ta3alay yuba ta3alay el wa7id ma yit'3ashamr ma3ach?
Bibi: hahahaha '3ashmartik wayed t'6a7ik!
Bandar grabbed her hand and pulled her next to him, she sat closer to him than earlier ,They were quite for a while, his hand brushed into her's and she got goose bumps.
Bandar: shlonch al7en?
Bibi smiled: a7san
Bandar smiled.
Bibi: Bandar?
Bandar: na3am?
Bibi: ma tla7ith ina ana etha 9arat 3indi mishkila bsir3a agoolik ele ib galbi! O ma a5alee shay ma agoola
Bandar nodded.
Bibi: laish inta ma tgoole ele ib galbik? Sa3at a7isik mahmoom bas ma tit7acha! Wasa7ib el 7achi minik tisi7ib!
Bandar sighed.
Bibi: Bandar tyene 7alat a7tajik feeha bas 3umri ma 7asaitik mi7tajle!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
(1) اليك
Friday, September 10, 2010
Giving up? {36}
2. This long post is my 3eediya 7agkoum! Enjoy it;**
Grandfather ma3a8ola Zaid mo 7as bili bain Bibi o Bandar?! Wala ana ele i7sasi '3ala6?
Zaid: el 3ayla zaina o rabi3ik mn 3umr aked Bibi ma ra7 tmani3!
Bibi: Bibi ma ra7 tmani3 shno?!
The grandfather and Zaid turned around & found Bibi standing with a shocked face.
Zaid: inch ma ra7 tman3en inch titzawjan 7afeed bo 3eesa Al flani
Bibi: mno bo 3eesa?!
Zaid: rifeej yadi
Bibi: Zayood inta 3ala ay asas 8arart o gilt ine ma ra7 amani3?!
Zaid: huh Baboon sh.hal 7achi! El walad a9la 6ayib o ahla 7abebeen o-
Bibi felt like she was in the danger zone! 7afeed bo 3eesa?! Aked yadi ib yist7i yrida! O 9ij 5osh nass o 3ayla 6ayiba o la7tha la7tha ana shgai3d a5arbi6?! Ana a7ib Bandar
Then Bibi suddenly gasped.
Zaid: shfech?!
Grandfather: smila 3alaich
Zaid: Baboon shfech?!
Bibi: haa?! Mafene shay bas nisait agool 7ag rose t7i6 el 3a9eer!!
Bibi rushed out of the living room and sat on a bench in the garden.
She took a deep breath, and sat there for fifteen minutes.
Bibi: na3aaam?!
Munera: wainich?!
Bibi: kani!
Munera: haw shfech ga3da hne?! yalla tara yaw wayed nas!!
Bibi: inzain kani yaya
Bibi looked around, tucked her hair behind her ear and walked into the crowed.
Bibi: hala 3i9am.. ahlain Mona…tamam intay shlonch? Hi Sawsan keefek ya 7ilwa?! Hala wala..
She kept on greeting all the gests and her mind was only thinking about one! Bandar..
Yimkin hawan o ma ra7 iye
Mama '3aneema stood still with her eyes widened, she felt someone nudge her
Munera: haw shfech mama '3aneema!
Mama '3aneema: hatha?! Hatha Bandar?
Munera: eee!! Laish min9adma!
It was him! The man that helped her with the grocers! The guy that she kept talking about for a whole week, she remembered her words very clearly " Ya 7ilwa law shayfita ya Baboona!! Shloun sa3adni ib a'3rathi O masken kan besheel 3ani el chyas, bas ana ma rithait tadren ba3ad fashla" and she remembered talking to Munera and telling her that Bandar Al flani wasn’t a great candent to marry her grandchild.
Munera: MAMA '3ANEEMA !
Mama '3anema: bismallah! Na3am?
Munera: shfech?
Mama '3aneema: ma fene shay!
Bibi looked around trying to find a friendly face! Trying to find a person that she can actually have a "true" conversation with, the only name that was ringing in her head was BANDAR!
She walked around and then saw a familiar figure standing and talking to Zaid, her smile grew wider aked Bandar!
Bibi walked towards them, when she was a few steps away from him she felt a hand pulling her.
Bibi turned around and found Munera.
Bibi: shfech yal 5ibla?
Munera: ana 5ibla! Wain kintay raza wayhich!
Bibi: kint baroo7 asalim 3ala Bandar!
Munera: malat! Thiglay! El rayal tawa wa9il! Ni6ray shway! 5aleeeh ydawir shway 3ala ma ylageech! Mo boom awal ma wi9al intay ib wayha!
Bibi giggled: 7athir!
Munera: yalla! Roo7ay dawreelich a7ad solfay ma3ah 3ala ma aroo7 asalim 3ala Bandar wasawi nafsi madri wainich
Bibi laughed: inzain!
Bibi entered the house to go get her mobile ufff waina!
Bibi: Roooooose! Wain my mobile?!
Rose: maybe upstairs!
Bibi: go look for it please
Bibi sat on the couch while waiting for Rose to bring her mobile.
Baboona yuma laish mo ga3da bara?
Bibi: tawni da5alt an6ir Rose tyeble mobiley
Mama '3aneema: inzain ro7ay jablay el ma3azeem wana an6ir Rose
Bibi nodded: ok
Munera noticed Bandar looking around.
Waaaaaaaaay zoo8a ydawir Baboon!!
Zaid: ha?
Munera: ha? *nervous laugh*
Zaid: huh shfech Manora? shgiltay tawa?
Munera: ma gilt shay! ytarawalik 7abebe
Zaid shrugged his shoulders: ok
Bibi: Manora…. MANOOORA!
Munera grabbed Bibi's arms and walked away from Zaid.
Munera: ydawrich!
Bibi: huh?
Munera: ufff! Intaw el '3aba2 shakla mitwarath 3indkoum bil 3ayla!
Bibi giggled: yalla 3ad 5al9ene shno!
"Bandar ydawrich!" Munera whispered.
Bibi turned around and found Bandar standing, her heart skipped a beat and she smiled there he was, the only person that knew Bibi! The real Bibi not the boss and definitely not the girl that lost her parents! Everyone saw him as the quite mysterious Bandar but Bibi knew him! She knew the real Bandar the funny and loving Bandar… the Bandar that handled his cruel heartless father for 28 years!
She looked back at Munera: aroo7 wala an6ira iyene?
Munera giggled and whispered: roo7ay!
Bibi walked towards Bandar but her grandmother stopped her.
Bibi stopped: na3am?
Mama '3aneema: hach mobileych 7abebti
Bibi smiled: mashkora
Mama '3anema: ila agool Babona
Bibi: na3am?
Mama '3aneema: ay wa7id 3i9am el flani?
Bibi looked around and pointed on 3i9am: kaho laish?
Mama '3aneema: ya7laaalaih, yadita refejti
Bibi: aha
Mama '3aneema: 5al aroo7 asalim 3alaih, hmmm tyen ma3ay?
Bibi: la, salamt 3alaih
Mama '3aneema walked towards 3i9am, Bibi looked in front of her but didn’t find Bandar.
Haw tawa kan wagif jidami wain ra7?!
She looked around but didn’t find him, wain i5tifa?!
2. This long post is my 3eediya 7agkoum! Enjoy it;**
Grandfather ma3a8ola Zaid mo 7as bili bain Bibi o Bandar?! Wala ana ele i7sasi '3ala6?
Zaid: el 3ayla zaina o rabi3ik mn 3umr aked Bibi ma ra7 tmani3!
Bibi: Bibi ma ra7 tmani3 shno?!
The grandfather and Zaid turned around & found Bibi standing with a shocked face.
Zaid: inch ma ra7 tman3en inch titzawjan 7afeed bo 3eesa Al flani
Bibi: mno bo 3eesa?!
Zaid: rifeej yadi
Bibi: Zayood inta 3ala ay asas 8arart o gilt ine ma ra7 amani3?!
Zaid: huh Baboon sh.hal 7achi! El walad a9la 6ayib o ahla 7abebeen o-
Bibi felt like she was in the danger zone! 7afeed bo 3eesa?! Aked yadi ib yist7i yrida! O 9ij 5osh nass o 3ayla 6ayiba o la7tha la7tha ana shgai3d a5arbi6?! Ana a7ib Bandar
Then Bibi suddenly gasped.
Zaid: shfech?!
Grandfather: smila 3alaich
Zaid: Baboon shfech?!
Bibi: haa?! Mafene shay bas nisait agool 7ag rose t7i6 el 3a9eer!!
Bibi rushed out of the living room and sat on a bench in the garden.
She took a deep breath, and sat there for fifteen minutes.
Bibi: na3aaam?!
Munera: wainich?!
Bibi: kani!
Munera: haw shfech ga3da hne?! yalla tara yaw wayed nas!!
Bibi: inzain kani yaya
Bibi looked around, tucked her hair behind her ear and walked into the crowed.
Bibi: hala 3i9am.. ahlain Mona…tamam intay shlonch? Hi Sawsan keefek ya 7ilwa?! Hala wala..
She kept on greeting all the gests and her mind was only thinking about one! Bandar..
Yimkin hawan o ma ra7 iye
Mama '3aneema stood still with her eyes widened, she felt someone nudge her
Munera: haw shfech mama '3aneema!
Mama '3aneema: hatha?! Hatha Bandar?
Munera: eee!! Laish min9adma!
It was him! The man that helped her with the grocers! The guy that she kept talking about for a whole week, she remembered her words very clearly " Ya 7ilwa law shayfita ya Baboona!! Shloun sa3adni ib a'3rathi O masken kan besheel 3ani el chyas, bas ana ma rithait tadren ba3ad fashla" and she remembered talking to Munera and telling her that Bandar Al flani wasn’t a great candent to marry her grandchild.
Munera: MAMA '3ANEEMA !
Mama '3anema: bismallah! Na3am?
Munera: shfech?
Mama '3aneema: ma fene shay!
Bibi looked around trying to find a friendly face! Trying to find a person that she can actually have a "true" conversation with, the only name that was ringing in her head was BANDAR!
She walked around and then saw a familiar figure standing and talking to Zaid, her smile grew wider aked Bandar!
Bibi walked towards them, when she was a few steps away from him she felt a hand pulling her.
Bibi turned around and found Munera.
Bibi: shfech yal 5ibla?
Munera: ana 5ibla! Wain kintay raza wayhich!
Bibi: kint baroo7 asalim 3ala Bandar!
Munera: malat! Thiglay! El rayal tawa wa9il! Ni6ray shway! 5aleeeh ydawir shway 3ala ma ylageech! Mo boom awal ma wi9al intay ib wayha!
Bibi giggled: 7athir!
Munera: yalla! Roo7ay dawreelich a7ad solfay ma3ah 3ala ma aroo7 asalim 3ala Bandar wasawi nafsi madri wainich
Bibi laughed: inzain!
Bibi entered the house to go get her mobile ufff waina!
Bibi: Roooooose! Wain my mobile?!
Rose: maybe upstairs!
Bibi: go look for it please
Bibi sat on the couch while waiting for Rose to bring her mobile.
Baboona yuma laish mo ga3da bara?
Bibi: tawni da5alt an6ir Rose tyeble mobiley
Mama '3aneema: inzain ro7ay jablay el ma3azeem wana an6ir Rose
Bibi nodded: ok
Munera noticed Bandar looking around.
Waaaaaaaaay zoo8a ydawir Baboon!!
Zaid: ha?
Munera: ha? *nervous laugh*
Zaid: huh shfech Manora? shgiltay tawa?
Munera: ma gilt shay! ytarawalik 7abebe
Zaid shrugged his shoulders: ok
Bibi: Manora…. MANOOORA!
Munera grabbed Bibi's arms and walked away from Zaid.
Munera: ydawrich!
Bibi: huh?
Munera: ufff! Intaw el '3aba2 shakla mitwarath 3indkoum bil 3ayla!
Bibi giggled: yalla 3ad 5al9ene shno!
"Bandar ydawrich!" Munera whispered.
Bibi turned around and found Bandar standing, her heart skipped a beat and she smiled there he was, the only person that knew Bibi! The real Bibi not the boss and definitely not the girl that lost her parents! Everyone saw him as the quite mysterious Bandar but Bibi knew him! She knew the real Bandar the funny and loving Bandar… the Bandar that handled his cruel heartless father for 28 years!
She looked back at Munera: aroo7 wala an6ira iyene?
Munera giggled and whispered: roo7ay!
Bibi walked towards Bandar but her grandmother stopped her.
Bibi stopped: na3am?
Mama '3aneema: hach mobileych 7abebti
Bibi smiled: mashkora
Mama '3anema: ila agool Babona
Bibi: na3am?
Mama '3aneema: ay wa7id 3i9am el flani?
Bibi looked around and pointed on 3i9am: kaho laish?
Mama '3aneema: ya7laaalaih, yadita refejti
Bibi: aha
Mama '3aneema: 5al aroo7 asalim 3alaih, hmmm tyen ma3ay?
Bibi: la, salamt 3alaih
Mama '3aneema walked towards 3i9am, Bibi looked in front of her but didn’t find Bandar.
Haw tawa kan wagif jidami wain ra7?!
She looked around but didn’t find him, wain i5tifa?!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
لا تعلي الصوت

لا تعلي الصوت
. يكفي الضجيج الذي يملئها
صور و أشياء كثيرة تحوم حولها
...و كلهم ذات سفر
و كلهم يوفون له و يخلفوها
أقول " نلجأ للعتمة عندما نعتقد أنها احّن علينا
ولا تقول شيء
لا يصل الصوت يا صديقي ... ولن يصل
يقتلعني غيابهم من ذاتي
أتكور , أموت و أحيا و ابتسم و ابكي ..كلها في ذات اللحظة
"كم من الوقت نمتي يا صغيرتي "
!نمت العمر بأكمله و أرغموني الإستيقاظ
لا تحاربي من ليس له سلاح له إلا البكاء"
تأبط سعادتك ..عين الله تحرسك
و عين السماء ستظل تـُصيبني
* Bachr rmthan o 3iguba el 3eed daritaw?, I'll be posting the next post of the story awal youm 3eeed enshallah ;)*
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