*I really enjoy reading the Faisal/ Hamad team comments! and I'm enjoying the fact that a lot of you are torn between them!!
*This post goes to the sweetest SAA in the world;**
Enjoy it!!
"Siktaay siktaay mo fahma shtgoleen khalsay aklich"
Hessa gave AlZainah a death stare.
Sara: you3anaaa!! shtabon taklon?
AlZainah: Soona wain? khal tyeblina ghada!!
Sara: la mafene akil bait! abe mustard aw shawarma!!
Sara: hala Faisal!! 7ayaak
Faisal: shakhbarkom?
The girls: zaineeen
Faisal sat on the closest sofa to the door.
Faisal: taghadaitaw?
Sara: omy o oboy foug lal7een ma taghadaw! wana shakle bakil bara
Faisal: inzain lay mita ga3deen?
Latifa: ma nadre
Faisal: rab3e biyone 3al 5-
Hessa: yshawgon?
Faisal laughed: ist7aay 3ala wayhich!!!! lu tmathleen jidame inch tist7een tikfain!
The girls laughed.
AlZainah grabbed her purse that was near Faisal and sat close to him.
AlZainah: shlon eldawam?
Faisal: zaaain, wain kintay?
AlZainah: bil jam3aa!
Faisal: china wayed 3ala jam3a
Faisal pointed on AlZainah's lips.
AlZainah: shno ele wayed? 7umriti?
Faisal nodded.
AlZainah laughed: way 7adha normal! naturaaaaaal
Faisal smiled: kaifch intay adra
AlZainah: 7adi adra!!
Faisal: okay okay la tabcheen
AlZainah: maleeeq!!!!
AlZainah looked to her left and found Hessa and Latifa giggling and whispering.
Faisal: ana ba93ad foug atghada! o 5 ya tfathon el bait aw ma asma3 likom 7is!!
Faisal walked to the elevator, once the elevator door was closed Latifa and Hessa rushed to AlZainah.
Hessa: WAAY CUTE!!!
AlZainah: shno?
Latifa: yghaar 3alaich yal ghabiya!!!
AlZainah: shako shako? ila da3ala o 7acharaa!!
Hessa giggled.
AlZainah: bas intay weyaha!! la t7i6on afkar ib rasi!!
Sara: imshaw mustard o 3an el msasaar ele mala ma3na!!
AlZainah: ay mustard?!!! classy ba3ad shway!
Sara: nakhtha to go wingi6ch el jam3a!
The girls picked up their lunch and were on the way back to uni to drop AlZainah.
AlZainah: ni6rouni bas bakalim el dictor warid!
Hessa: yal kalba m3anyatna o makhtheeen to go 3ashan tkalmeen el dictor?
AlZainah: 9arlina isbou3ain mdawmeen o 3a6ana project! o ghibt fa madre 3an shno o ma 3indi group!!
AlZainah got out of the car while the girls were complaining, She walked to the elevator and up to her professor's office.
She was practicing what to tell him all the way to his office.
His office's door was closed, he was inside and a guy was sitting in front of him, giving his back to the door.
AlZainah knocked softly on the door, Her professor smiled and opened the door.
Prof: Hi
AlZainah: Hi dictor!!
Prof: Hala, come in
AlZainah took a couple of steps inside the office, She wanted to know who is the guy that is sitting on the chair.
Prof: you may sit
AlZainah: thank you I'm good!! Umm sir I'm here to ask you about the project!!
Prof: what about it?
AlZainah: what is it about?
The professor laughed: ola! ma tadren what is it about?
AlZainah: heh umm la
Prof: yartheeek ya Hamad?
AlZainah froze in her place, she had no idea who is Hamad but she hoped he wasn't the Hamad she had in mind.
AlZainah looked to her left and found Hamad sitting on the chair, her heart skipped a beat.
Prof: Hamad AlFlani a3tiqid inkom t3arfoun ba3ath
AlZainah: la ma n3arif ba3ath
The professor was kind off shocked and Hamad's face showed no expression.
Prof: el project group work
AlZainah: okay?
Prof: you have to choose a popular business, ay nou3 ma tafrig, A restaurant a shop anything!
AlZainah: okay?
Prof: the only condition ohwa ina lazm el owner aw el co-founder ykon Kuwaiti, someone young
AlZainah nodded.
Prof: mabe a7ad akbar min 33!
AlZainah giggled: okay?
Prof: you have to interview him or her, how did their business succeed, how did they get the idea? what inspires them? who supported them? o 3ad be creative with the questions!
AlZainah: may I work on it alone?
The professor looked at her then at Hamad.
Prof: ok khalas you may
AlZainah smiled: thank you!!
AlZainah walked out of the office and started walking to the door.
She grabbed her mobile and called Sara: aloo? ha wainkom? ta3alaw 3ind elbab! TISTA3B6AIN? wana sheridne el bait al7een? Mako sayiq!!! ejazta el youm! ridole yalla!! la mani na6ra wala dgeeega!!
AlZainah saw Hamad walk to the parking, he was behind her so she guessed that he heard the conversation.
She saw him get in his car and drive off.
AlZainah: yallaaaa!! wain 9irtaw? badig 3ala Faisal tara!!!
She turned around and saw Hamad drive back to her direction, AlZainah quickly gave him her back and continued talking to Sara.
"Feech shay?"
AlZainah turned around and found Hamad staring at her.
AlZainah: laaa!!
Hamad: wain sayartich?
AlZainah: ib baitna!
Hamad: mnu beridch?
AlZainah: rab3e yayeene!!
Hamad: el dinya bidat t'thalim
AlZainah: eee wetha?!
Hamad: kaifch
AlZainah looked around campus, the parking lot was almost empty and it was starting to get dark.
Hamad: awa9lich?
AlZainah was so shocked: laa shukran
A weird guy stood near the door smoking at staring at AlZainah, she gave him a death stare and he smiled, She took a few steps away from him and closer to Hamad's car.
She noticed that Hamad was getting ready to drive off.
AlZainah: la7tha!!
Hamad: hmm?
AlZainah: 3adi tan6ir lain youslon rab3i?
Hamad was silent for a couple of moments.
AlZainah: etha ma tgdar 3adi!
Hamad didn't say a word and he drove off.
ughhh!! Ya7laile wana 3abale be9er 6ayib wala ysawe shay feeh khaair!!
"Laish giltay 7ag Rashed inch ma t3arfene?"
AlZainah turned to face Hamad: laish ma giltle inik btkalmle Rashed 7ag el exception?
Hamad looked away.
AlZainah shrugged her shouders: plus ana 9ij a7is ine ma a3arfik
Hamad: a7san
AlZainah: shno el a7san?
Hamad: a7san inch ma t3arfene
AlZainah: laish?
Hamad: el wath3 al7een mo nafs ma kan gabil 13 sina
AlZainah: adre
Hamad: bas 3ayal
AlZainah: Hamad tadre ine ma kint adre 3an el video 9a7?
Hamad looked away: adre
AlZainah: oh ka Sara wsalat!
Hamad took a couple of steps back and whispered something.
AlZainah: na3am?
Hamad: shfech?
AlZainah: gilt shay?
Hamad shook his head: ma gilt shay
AlZainah could have sworn that she heard him say "derbalkom", she left him standing and walked to Sara's car.
She turned around: Hala?
Hamad: el project ele 6alba Rashed
AlZainah: ee?
Hamad: Umm agdar asa3dich feeh etha tabeen
AlZainah smiled: mashkour!!!
Hamad nodded, he didn't smile he just nodded.
i love hamad :(
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that you do!
DeleteEl blog raw3aaa, keep it up
ReplyDeleteUfff fai9al 7ada cute w 7amad ba3ad a7isa y7eb alzinah :‘) 7ayarteenyy
Thank you!!
DeleteLol kilina mi7tareen;p
Thank you for this AMAAAZING post 9al7a!! I can't stop thinking of this story impressive so (well done)
P.s. thank you for the quick reply on Ask.fm
Thank YOU for your sweet comments;**
DeleteIts a pleasure❤️
Faisal all the way, 7adaa katkout, at least he's not engaged or in a relationship of any sort! Team faisal, even though hamad is cutee♡♡♡
ReplyDeleteCan't wait till next friday, and try to make it longer please!!!
I totally agree!! Enshallah i'll try my best ;D
DeleteLOVE HAMAD :'(((((
Thanks a lot M;)
ReplyDeleteI totally agree!!
I died...
LOOL finally someone is on team hamad!
DeleteWill do enshallah, thank you!!!
La maa aby t7b hamad:( aby faisaaal��❤️ I loved the post!
Wait and see!
DeleteThank you;D
FAISAL W BS!!! Hamad mu3aqd w shayf nafsa 3aleena!! FAISAL IS AMAZING! LOW ZAINAH MA TBEEH ANA ABEEH!!
ReplyDeleteLOOOOOL afa 3alaich 7alaalich;p
Deletecuuuuuteeee D:
ReplyDeletegreat post!!
- 8
Definitely worth the wait! =]
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
Absolutely loved ittt <333
And I'm starting to like hamad =/
Faisal needs to step it up a bit..
Y3teeke el 3afya [=
- A
I'm glad that it is!!
DeleteThank you so much A ;D
TEAM HAMAD!! Keep going love, the story is amazing
Will do enshallah! Thanks A LOT!!
DeleteFaisaal? Waaayy 7adaa cuteee�� yarab t7baaa yaraaab!!
DeleteThe post is as beautiful as you are!!
ReplyDeleteWahh Faisaaal marra cute!!
Ya5ti I love you even though I don't you really know you :P els3odeya klha t7bk :* keep going loved your stories!!
I don't really know you*
DeleteThank you!!
Deletewana a7ib el s3odiya wili feeha;**
Mako ashwaaag men faisaaal!!! 7alataa elrayal ekhaaf 3ala the girl he loves!! So so so cute♡
ReplyDeleteyour an amazing writer, keep it up♥
DeleteThank you so much, will do enshallah ;D