Friday, August 30, 2013

Empty Spaces -13-


*I hope that all of you are enjoying/ enjoyed your vacation!

*Thank you ALL for the feedback on the story!

*This post does not go to you RSS 3ashan itimeen tis2leen "where is my dedication?"

Enjoy it!

"Hi Fay"

Fay: hi

Fay stretched her hands to Lama, Lama stared at her.

Fay: 3aib a7ad ymid eda o ma tsalmen

Lama: lu t3arfen el 3aib chan ma tamaitay t7osen wara rayal mitzawij

Fay was shocked and Lama noticed that.

Lama: 3ayaz o ohwa ygolch wakhray o ya7girch o ham yayita el maktab?!

Fay: 7ayati.. ana o Barak n7ib ba3ath min akthar min sabi3 sneen 3abalich btyeen shahar wala shahrain o btnaseena?

Lama had no idea what to reply, Fay was right.

"Lama, Shoug? Baba sh3indkom hne?"

Lama turned around and found Barak's father standing.

Shoug: yuba yet akhith minik el awrag o Lama yat wiyay!

Father: shakhbarich Lama?

Lama smiled: bkhair 3ami

Shoug and her father walked to his office, Lama turned back to Fay.

She saw Barak walk towards her, he held her hand: 3an ethnch Fay

Barak walks with Lama to his office and closes the door, she quickly lets go of his hand.

Lama: laish yaraitne? Laish ma khalaitne abard chabdi feha? Khayif 3ala masha3irha?

Barak: yanaitaay?!! Lama tabene akhaleekom tit'hawshon eb ni9 el sharika!! Wain ga3deeen?

Lama: ma kina intahawash! o 9outi kan wa6e bil yalla yinsimi3!

Barak: shofaay Lama ana giltlich ine bas male shghil feha wintay kil shway shayla gashich o ray7a 3ind yaditich fa-

Lama wanted to speak but Barak didn’t allow her.

Barak: sim3ene bil awal! Mo 7ala! Youm t3algene fech o youm 9ada 3ane!

Lama: 3ayal ana 7ala ele 3ayshat'ha? Youm lee o youm laha?

Barak: cham mara giltich mali 3alaqa feeha!! Wala adre 3anha!!

Lama: 3ayal laish kil ma amsik mobilek ashof isimha!?? O wain ma arou7 wiyak algaha!?

Barak: kil shay ga3id y9er 9idfa lama!! Shbede??

Lama: bedik inik twagif'ha 3ind 7adha!

Barak took a deep breath and sat down.

Lama: el kil mla7ith shkithkir a7bik Barak

Barak looked at Lama, he was really shocked.

Lama: wana ala7ith wayed ashya2 3anik winta ma tadre

Barak: Lama-

Lama smiled: ala7ith inik awal ma tgoum itim sakit sa3a kamla o ala7ith lama ma ya3jibik el akil ele a6bakha witmathil ina 3ajbik witrou7 el ma6bakh tsawelik  sandwich wana eb dari

Barak smiled.

Lama: ala7ith inik tshof masra7iyat lain tdokh witnaam, ala7ith el silent moment ele t7oshfik 3gub ma ta36is

Lama giggled: lamaa itim mghamith 3ainik shway

Barak smiled and nodded.

Lama: ala7ith inik tit7amalne lama a7i6lik aghane Adele o lama ni6la3 o ma tdil bas 
ma tirtha inshaghil el navigator wala tirtha adaleek!

Lama wiped a tear away: bas inta ma tla7ith shay Barak, ma tla7ith ina kil ele ga3da asawe la2ane-

Lama's phone rang and interrupted them.

Lama picked it: Hala Shoug.. okay kani yaya

Barak: la tro7een.. ana aridch el bait

Lama: kisart kha6rik?

Barak looked away.

Lama: mabe aksir kha6rik Barak.. abeek t7ibne! Abe galbik y3awrik 3alay!

Lama left Barak standing and walked to the door.

Barak sat on the first chair he found, he felt that he was boiling, he was sweating.

He opened the first buttons of his dishdasha and rested his head on his hand.

"aridch 3ind Mama Nora?"

Lama: ee khal achayik ina Mama Nora taghadat o khathat el diwa o akhith aghrathe o sayarti warid el bait

Shoug smiled: ashwa!!!

Lama: taqreban taqreban

Shoug: ee?

Lama: ashkara gilt 7ag Barak ine


Lama: ohh!! If mani gayla zain!!

Shoug: Tshawgooon!!! Shgal?

Lama sighed: ma gal shay

Shoug: ayshay!

Lama: ma 3a6aita majal ytkalam! Plus entay ma ga9artay! Dagaitay 3alay kharabtay el moment!

Shoug: yal maleeeqa!! Chan 7agartene!!

Lama shrugged her shoulders: khalas ba3ad 9ar ele 9ar!


Barak parked his car, he noticed Lama's car parked outside, he smiled.

Barak's phone rang: "hala bo Jasim.. ee ee inshallah! Galole elsa3a 5! Ee 3ayal shtabe t7in min al7een! Yalla yalla iglib wayhik"

Barak walked to the house, and walked upstairs.

He found Lama sleeping on the couch and Shoug sitting beside her watching TV.

Barak: guwa

Shoug: halaa

Barak: taghadaitaw?

Shoug: omi o oboy 6al3een o ana taghadait bas Lama china na6ritik

Barak smiled.

Shoug: Lamaaa

Barak: oshh khaleeha tnam! Ana barou7 li3ib koora fa mabe athagil! Bakil ayshay o lama arid bakil 3adil!

Lama opened her eyes and found Barak sitting beside her feet, she sat straight.

Barak smiled: 9a7 elnoom

Lama: 9a7 ibdinik!

Barak: taghadaitay?

Lama: la na6ritk

Barak smiled, he wanted to hear it from her.

Barak: taghaday ana barou7 li3ib koora ba3ad shway o mabe athagil!

Lama: el mafrouth takil gabel la til3aab! Mo trou7 3ala mi3da khalya!

Barak: kalait kharabee6 bil dawam!

Lama looked closely at Barak: shaklik wayed ta3ban! Barak lazm til3ab koora el yoom?

Barak nodded: ee mi3tamden 3alay ra7 yangi9 el fareq!

Lama: shoug

Shoug: hmm

Lama: shofaay bara6ma! Lonhom mzorig!

Shoug: min el zigaaayir!

Lama didn’t feel good about the way Barak looked.

Barak smiled, Barou7 abadil warayi7 shway gabil el li3ib

Lama: wana bayeeblik 9a7an fruits! Goul thgeel ba3ad?

Barak smiled: la la zain

Barak was heading back home, he felt really tired and his chest felt heavy, he couldn't breathe properly.

He finally reached home, parked his car.

Barak felt weak as he walked to the door, his lips were purple and dry..everything was getting a bit blurry, and his steps were very heavy.

He was about to take a couple of steps up the stairs, when he couldn't feel his body anymore.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Empty Spaces -12-


*Thank you all for the supportive and lovely comments on the last post! I'll reply to them as soon as I can!!

*I'd love to know your feedback on the story here or on twitter @9al7a or Instagram @__sal7a

*Silent readers please stop being silent?  

Enjoy it!!

Barak couldn’t sleep at all, he kept rolling in his bed.

Ifff lay mita wana atgalab khal agoum a7san

He looked at his watch and it was 6am, he pulled off the covers and got out of bed, walked to the bathroom brushed his teeth and washed his face , the cold water refreshed him a bit.

Barak opened the curtains and the sunrays filled the room, he remembered Lama.. She loves the sun, he didn’t know if he should go talk to her or leave her calm down for a couple of days.

Barak walked to the living room and opened the curtains, he looked outside and saw Lama's car.

Ma3qola nayma ta7at 3ind Shoug? Walain Shoug aked darat! shifikne min elsanha!!

Barak rushed to the elevator, he slowly walked to Shoug's room.

Lama didn’t leave the house, it was so late and she was afraid to drive. She spent the night talking to Shoug about her situation with Barak and just like their old days Shoug always made Lama feel better.

She was waiting for the sun to rise so she could go home.

Lama opened her eyes, and looked at her mobile it read 6:15am.

Ughh ma nimt ila sa3a!

She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom.

Barak slowly opened the door, His eyes were looking for Lama.. and he didn’t find her.

Wainha? Mo nayma 3ind Shoug o sayart'ha bara!!!

He slowly closed the door and walked downstairs to the living room.

Lama left the bathroom, changed her clothes, grabbed her purse and walked out of Shoug's room and down the stairs.

She was walking to the door when she heard her name.


Lama couldn’t believe her ears, she looked to her left and found Barak sitting on the couch.

"Na3am" She replied without looking at him.

Barak: Ma radaitay el bait!

Lama: la ma radait, kanat el sa3a thalath el fayer aked ma ra7 arid!

It was the first time Lama is that cold with him, she didn’t even look at him.

Barak: m3azma triden bait mama Noora?

Lama: ee

Barak stood in front of Lama: Lama tikfaain

Lama: Baraak inta tikfa!! Bas ir7amne!

Barak: Shoug darat?

Lama nodded.

Lama: 3an ithnik Barak

Lama left Barak and walked outside, he rushed after her.

Barak: o ahale? Shagolhom?

Lama: Barak min 9ijik? Bas hatha ele haamik?  Shtgol 7ag ahalik? Wanaa? Shbe9er 3alay? Shbe9er 3alaina?

Barak: Lama ta3awithay min iblees o riday 9i3day foug wiyaay!

Lama: mani 9a3da Barak!!

Barak: inzain khalich 3ind Shoug! Bas la t'hideen el bait o tamsheen tikfaain!

Lama: laish? 3ashan ahalik ma yis2lonik o titwahag?

Barak: la! La2ane ta3awadt inich tkoneen mawjoda 7oule! Lama ma gidart anam ams!
Lama: Baraaak mo ga3id taksir kha6ri wala mishtahya ashofik!!!  

Barak sighed.

Lama knew that Barak didn’t realize that he might lose her, she needed to make a move that will make him choose between her or Fay.

"mintay mdawma?"

Lama: la mali khilg! O mo nayma 3adil!

Shoug: tabeen ni6la3 intaghada?

Lama: ee!! Uff 7adi mayta you3!

Shoug: o bamir elsharika !

Lama didn’t want to see Barak: la Shogo mabe!

Shoug: waay Lama la tanzleen! Aana bas bamir akhith shay min oboy!

Lama: ok khosh mani nazla!

Shoug: akhalis el class o ayech

Lama walked to her closet, she really felt like dressing up, She quickly grabbed her black dress.

Iff ana shfene kil aswad!!

She put her dress back in the closet, She grabbed her pink dress, it will look perfect with her tanned skin and a statement necklace.

"Laaaa wala 7aaa6 3alay!! Kila shoug why were you absent! Shoug are you sleeping? WAY NA3AM!"

Lama laughed at Shoug.

Shoug: wintay heey basich absence! Hatha course takharoj rif3aay mu3adilch o jablay!

Lama nodded: 7athir

Shoug parked the car, The parking was so scary and a security guard was roaming 

Lama: yumaa!! Ykhari3 el mukan!

Shoug: daloo3a!! dgeega o aye!

Lama: la la banzil wiyach!!

Lama and Shoug walked to the elevator.


"Ma trid 3alay! O mako ila ayek dawamik"

"La la rasmy istakhafitay!!!"

The elevator door opened, Lama raised her head and saw Barak open the door of his office and point his finger out, he looked so angry.

Lama saw a woman step out, Long black hair, skinny jeans and a black top again.
It was Fay.

6aradha? Wala tahawishaw? Ma3qola 9ij mu ga3id ya36eeha wayh o ihya ele 
lazga feeh?

Fay was walking to the elevator when Lama stopped her.

"Hi Fay"