Friday, May 30, 2014

Scarred -15-


*I hope that all of you are enjoying your summer vacations and good luck for those of you who are taking summer courses!! 

*I wrote this post while "Ed sheeran- all of the stars" was on repeat, Its such a beautiful and depressing song and I felt like it affected the way the post went.

Enjoy it!!!


AlZainah felt her heart beat in the tips of her fingers, she tried signing her stress off but nothing worked. She was so nervous. 

The first person she saw was Sara, she was standing facing a window.


Sara quickly turned around, tears were rolling down her cheeks once she saw AlZainah.

"7ada ta3baan zayon!! 7ada ta3baan!"

AlZainah's heart sunk, she had no idea what to say, what would make Sara feel better, They sat on the chairs in the waiting room.

Sara: shlon latofa o hesso? walhana 3alaikom

AlZainah smiled: wi7na ba3ad walhaneeen 

Sara smiled: zayon

AlZainah: hmm?

Sara: shyaybich?

AlZainah sighed: madre!! bas 7asait ine lazm aye!!

Sara sighed: tyela ayam ykon feha zain, o ysolif o yth7ak, wityeela ayam wayed yta2alam feeha o tyeela ayam kila nayim feha

AlZainah felt tears forming in her eyes.


AlZainah: hala khalti!!!

Mother: hala 7abeebtee!! el7imdallah 3al salama!! 

AlZainah smiled: alllah ysalmch!

Mother: ba3ad galbi zayona! mashkoora 3ala yayitch, saronna malat min elga3da bro7ha!!

AlZainah smiled: ma baina khalti i7na khawat!!

Mother: ta3alaw dakhil, 3amch dakhil o Faisal ga3id!

AlZainah felt her legs numb, she wasn't ready to see Faisal but she couldn't say no to his mother.

She walked behind his mother with slow steps, the door opened and she saw him. She saw Faisal, their eyes meet, AlZainah felt her heart beat faster, she felt her blood rushing through her body.

Father: halaaaa zayona!!!

AlZainah smiled: hala 3ami! shakhbarik?

Father: bkhaair el7imdalllah!

Mother: Bo Faisal shrayik nrou7 nyeeblina gahwa?

Faisal's parents left AlZainah alone with him.


AlZainah smiled: Hala

Faisal was nothing like himself, he was extremely thin, She felt like his veins will almost pop out of his arms, he had blue circles under his eyes, he wasn't Faisal that she always knew.

AlZainah: shlonik?

Faisal: el7imdallah, its one of the good days

AlZainah: good days?

Faisal nodded: tyene ayam a7is ine 9irt a7san o atfa2aaal o agol yallla bas shway o a6eeb o arid el kuwait!

AlZainah smiled.

Faisal: wityene ayam agol 7ag nafsi bas khalas mako fayda, lu arid el kuwait agathe ele bage min 3umri ma3a rab3i o ahale abrak

AlZainah: Faisal!!

Faisal tried to smile: ma 3alaina mini, intay shlonch?

AlZainah: bkhaair!!

Faisal: yeetay ma3a 3ami?

AlZainah: la brou7i 

Faisal: wil 9aifi?

AlZainah: mani makhtha

Faisal: zayon!!

AlZainah: Halaa?! la7gaa 3al takharuj! wil watheefa wil ga3da min 7 el 9ib7!!

Faisal: kasoolaa

AlZainah giggled: 7adi!!

Faisal: lay mita ga3da?

AlZainah: lay rmthan!

Faisal: giltlich tan6rene mo tyene!!

AlZainah giggled: ee ayeek o lay radait el kuwait an6irik!

Faisal smiled. 




The day came to an end and AlZainah had to go back to her hotel.

Father: zayona yuba laish ma taskneen 3indina bil shiqa? tkoneen 7olna o ma3a Sarona!

AlZainah: la 3ami khalne bil hotel a7san! o 7adi mo b3eeda 3ankom tara! baina bas shari3!

Father: ele yray7ich 7abebte! 

AlZainah walked back to the hotel, she needed to walk, she needed to clear her head, seeing Faisal today made her heart heavy, he was so weak, she could barely hear him talk.

The thought of marrying him was ringing in her head again, but what about Hamad? How will she tell Faisal that she wants to be his wife? what if he says no?

AlZainah closed the door of her room, locked it and threw her self on bed, she covered her face with a pillow and cried until she fell asleep. 




"el7imdalllah bkhaair!! ee wala 3ami ma ga9aar! masken y7atene akthar min Sara! la kani barou7 atrayag wiya Sara winrou7 el mistashfa.. salim 3ala omi.. enshallah..ma3a elsalama"

AlZainah and Sara ate their breakfast and were walking back to the hospital.

Sara: shlon Hamad?

AlZainah: Sara? sh'hal so2al?

Sara: zayon tadren inch ib 7isbat ikhti! bas etha nawya tg3deen shway o trideen 7ag Hamad min al7een agolch riday!

AlZainah: Sara shfeech?!!

Sara: Faisal wayed istanas ib shoftich, mabe yindgir, wath3a ma yisma7la ina yindgir!! kan bkhaair o 6abe3e gabil la tyeen! ya tkhaleen elwath3 a7san aw tamsheen!

AlZainah stayed silent all the way to the hospital, she knew that Sara was so stressed out and she needed someone to release that stress and anger on, but she also had a point.

The girls were walking to Faisal's room, when they saw his mother standing outside the room crying.

"Ya rabb ya raaab yaa raab"

Sara: yuma shfeech?!!

Mother: ta3baan

Sara sighed.

AlZainah: khalti ta3alay gi3day

AlZainah and Sara's mother sat down.

Mother: ta3awdna 3ala hal ayam.. awal shahar kanat 9a3ba 3alaina.. o lal7een 9a3ba 3alaina! bas 9irna a7san, gimna n3arif int9araf lama faj2a yt3ab wayed

AlZainah: el7imdallah 3ala kil 7aal

Faisal's mother smiled: el7imdalllah

AlZainah walked to Faisal's room, she opened the door slowly, she saw him bending over and he was vomiting.

She froze in her face, she had no idea what to do or say, Faisal looked at AlZainah and back to Sara.

"la tshofne chithi,, 6al3eeeha bara" 

In a blink of an eye the door was shut, AlZainah took a couple of steps to the back, she realised that the month that she'll spend around Faisal won't be an easy one, she'll have a lot of long days.

She needed to decide whither she wants to go through this or go back home and just wait for him.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Scarred -14-


*Some of you are asking if the end is getting close and when will the story finish! I really have no idea, I'll just write what I feel like writing and we'll wait  and see!

This post goes to my favourite graduate, SAA!! Mabrouuk!! I'm so proud of you! And I love you more than you could even imagine;***


AlZainah walked to the stairs with slow steps, she was going through all scenarios that might happen once she tells her parents her decision. 

"Hala zayona baba!! sh9ayir?"

AlZainah gave her father a quick smile and sat down in front of him and her mother.

AlZainah: 9arli cham youm afakir bil mawthou3, o a7is ine qarart!

Mother: ay mawtho3 enshallah?

AlZainah: mawtho3 Hamad wala Faisal

Mother: qa9dich mawthou3 el mareeth wala wild el khadma?

Father: istaghfir alllah!! khaleeha tkamil!

AlZainah took a deep breath: awal ma akhalis finals barou7 Houston 7ag Faisal

Mother: wil 9aifi? wil takharouj?!

AlZainah: at2akhar course mu mishkila!

Mother: fa shqarartay bil thab6? titzawjaain wa7id feh cancer? 

AlZainah sighed: yuma-

Mother: o la shbtgoleen? Hala Faisal shakhbarik? yalla khal nitzawaj?

AlZainah: yuma!!! Faisal kan dayman ynaqiz 3alay o mkalim oboy bil mawtho3!!

Mother: gilteeha! KAAAAN!! Ya3ni min zmaan!! Ya3ni khalas el walad khatha ejabta minch!  laish trideen tgi6een 3umrich 3alaih?

AlZainah looked at her father, she wanted him to say something, to be on her side.

Father: baba zayona radaitay fita7tay elmawtho3 wiya Faisal 3gub ma dara ina mareth?

AlZainah: gali an6ira!! shma3nata?

Mother: ma3nata tinthabrain o tan6reena yrid! Mo tsheleen gashich o tsafreen!

AlZainah looked away, she knew that talking about this with her mother would be hell.

Father: om zaid, mumkin tkhaleena ana o zayona bro7na?

Mother: la mo momkin!!!! AlZainah binti el wa7eeda!! gathaina 3umrina kila ndareeeha winkhaf 3alaiha o na36eeha ele tabe!! Mo nagi9ha shay!! mara7 artha inha titzawaj mareeth!! 

Father: wala ana ra7 artha, ro7ay darich o ihdaay 3ala ma atfaham ma3aha

Mother: shofay zayon! la ra7 titzawjain mareeth wala ra7 titzawjain wild el khadama!! lu t3anseeen  o tg3deen 3indi bil bait! fahma?

AlZainah just stared at her mother while she walked to her room.

Father: zayon

AlZainah: yuba!! please ifhamne! Faisal 6oul hal sneen y7ibne! o kil ele kan ysaweh wegola la2ana y7ibne!! ana ele 6oul hal sneeen adgira o ma asawe nafsi mo fahma!!!

Father: bas hatha mo ma3nata inch titzawjaina!

AlZainah: imbala!!! etha btkoun hathe akhir ayama bakoun 7oula!! wetha la wetha allah katibla y3eesh 3adi a3eesh 3umri kila wiya!! yuba faisal wayed y7teene wayed y3amlne zain o-

Father: adre ya yuba adre

AlZainah tried so hard not to cry: will 7al?

Father: rou7ay Houston

AlZainah: okay?

Father: o trideen gabil rmthan 

AlZainah: o bas?

Father: ee bas! bidon zawaj 

AlZainah sighed. 

Father: zayon baba may9er titzwjain wa7id la2ana kasir kha6rich

AlZainah's tears were rolling down her face: adre

Father: khalas 3ayal baba bas 3a6ene tareekh 3i6litich o ana ib nafsi a7jizlich o amir 3alaich hnak mita ma gidart

AlZainah nodded.

Father: be9er elwath3 jidam kil elnass chinch ray7a 7ag Sara twanseenha bidal la yteem thayig khilgha!

AlZainah nodded, stood up to walk to her room, her father gave her a warm hug: acre inch 7anouna baba.. o t7iseen bil thanb bsr3a.. bas may9er takhtheen qarar chithi

AlZainah hugged her father back and cried: mabeh ymot.. magdar!!




-One month later-


Hamad turned around: Hala

AlZainah: msafra america ba3ad shway

Hamad nodded: ya bakhta

AlZainah smiled: ma qarart

Hamad: bt'hideen kilshay o tro7eenla bas ma qarartay?

AlZainah: baro7la at6aman 3alaih o arid

Hamad: triden wintay murta?

AlZainah shook her head: la

Hamad walked closer to AlZainah: 3ayal la trou7een!! tikfain! la tro7eeen!!! kalmeeh Skype kalmeeeh tango ayshay!! bas la tro7een!

AlZainah smiled, she loved the way Hamad was attached to her, the way he looked at her, she felt that he wanted her around him more than anything and finally he was not shy to show it.

AlZainah: mara7 a6awil Hamad.. shahar.. shahrain bil kitheer

Hamad: o shyathminle inch ma t7ibeena ib hal shahrain?

AlZainah: ma gidart a7iba 6oul hal sneen mara7 a7iba al7een! in6ir o -

Hamad: Zayon elshay el wa7eed ele ni6arta 6oul hal sneen ele fatat ohwa shoftich!! agdar atim an6irich 6oul 3umri bas abe nateeja 7ag hal na6ra!! mabe an6ir o akhir shay-

Hamad looked down.

AlZainah: khalas 3ayal in6rne

Hamad: Zayon

AlZainah smiled.

Hamad: etha ma tizawajtch mara7 atzawaj ghairich

AlZainah felt butterflies in her belly.

Hamad: 7i6ay hal shay ib balich, 7i6ay ib balich ine min 3araftich wana a7ibich o akhaf 3alaich, 7i6ay ib balich ina kil youm agoum el 9ib7 o atmana inch tmrene hne! ine ashofch lu bsr3a, ine asma3 9outch! 

AlZainah smiled.

Hamad: Zayon 9ij ine kint b3eed 6oul hal sneen bas ib raditi hathe 3araft wayed ashya2 3anch! o la7atht wayed ashya2!! 

Hamad smiled:  la7atht inch lama tist7een t6al3een ta7at o t3adleen 7awajbich

AlZainah giggled, that was a weird habit of her and he noticed it.

Hamad: o t3a9been 3ala kilshay o kilman lama tkoneen yo3ana... o madre laish dayman tashkeen ina rgubtich t3awrch o ma 3indch ghamaza o lazm tsaween 7araka ghareeba ib wayhich 3ashan t6la3!

AlZainah giggled: ee!!!

Hamad: o inch sha6ra o om glaaib bas mu rathya ti3tarfaain! 

AlZainah laughed.

Hamad: o inch ma t3arfen ti6bkheen wala tsougeen gare

AlZainah laughed: Hamad!!! sh'hal ma3lomaat!!

Hamad: 9a7 wala mo 9a7?

AlZainah smiled: 9a7

Hamad: bas 3ayal mo la2ane 9arli fatra mo shayfich ma3nat'ha ine ma3arfich!!

AlZainah sighed.

Hamad: ra7 an6irich... bas please zayoon.. la trideen elkuwait wintay murta

AlZainah's heart sunk.

Hamad: wetha raditay wintay murta.. la tyene.. la tkalmene! 3eeshay 7ayatich o ana aked ib yousalne el khabar, bas mabe yousalne minch!!

AlZainah took a deep breath and nodded: ma3a elsalama

Hamad: bilsalama

She left Hamad standing with a disappointed face, he wanted her to stay, to be with him, he saw her walk away from him, walk to be with another man, without knowing if she'll ever come back to him.

She left him.. she left him scarred.




AlZainah gave both parents a hug and walked to the gate, she was leaving home to be there for Faisal, what if she couldn't full fill her promise to Hamad and came back home as Faisal's wife, what would her mother's reaction be? What will Hamad feel?

She wanted to leave everything and everyone and just be alone, she wanted her personal space, a space that everyone around her knew that she needed sometimes. 

Hamad was the only person on her mind, his smell hit her every time she closed her eyes and tried to remember the way he smelled, his smile, the way his hair is always messy 

AlZainah dragged her heavy heart and bag all the way to the plane, sat on her chair, closed her eyes and prayed that Allah would set her mind to whats best for her.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Scarred -13-


This post goes to those of you who are studying for the final exams! Good luck ;D


AlZainah walked through the halls of the university, She needed grades and she was begging her professors for them.

Dr. Rashed was the only professor left, his office's lights were on but he wasn't inside, so she stood in front of his office waiting for him.

"Dictor tikfa shda3wa!!" 

AlZainah looked to her left and saw Dr.Rashed walked to his office with a student, she smiled, everyone is going through the same begging for grades phase.

Dr. Rashed: Hello

AlZainah: Hala dictor! bas kint bashof my overall grade so far

Dr. Rashed: you may come in

AlZainah sat down while her professor when through the lists of names.

Dr. Rashed laughed: shofay AlZainah

AlZainah smiled.

Dr. Rashed: you're a good student, you attend classes o your scores bil quizzes o midterms zaina! 

AlZainah: okay?

Dr. Rashed: lal7en ma 7a6ait 3alamtich.. tadren ba3ad 3indch was6a qawiya

AlZainah giggled.

Dr. Rashed: fa lal7en ma qarart shbsawe BAS that doesn't mean you don't do well bil final 

AlZainah nodded.

Dr. Rashed: 7maid lahe hal youmain awal ma yfthale binshof

AlZainah: lahe ib shno?

Dr. Rashed: ma galich?

AlZainah: la!

Dr. Rashed: falat khi6bita

AlZainah: infa9law??

Dr. Rashed nodded.

AlZainah smiled: okay dictor mashkor! 

Dr. Rashed: have a good day

AlZainah walked out of Rashed's office with a shocked face, she felt her heart beat faster, And for the first time AlZainah grabbed her phone and texted Hamad.


It took him a couple of minutes to reply.

bil ma63am, laish shfech??

AlZainah quickly replied

I'm gonna drop by la ti6la3!

AlZainah walked to her car and drove off to 77.




"Ya yumaa!! intay bas 3almeehom elwa9fa o ohma y6bkhon!! giltich 3an 6eebat kha6rich 6abaq 6abaqaain mu 10!!"

Mother: Hamad!! 7anaan lawa3t chabdi tara!

Hamad laughed.

He was silent for a moment.

Hamad: yuma

Mother: hala yuma

Hamad: alzainah yaya

Mother: wain?

Hamad: hne!

Mother: goum i6la3 min el ma6baakh!! ree7tik bt9er akil!!

Hamad laughed: yuma min 9ijch!

Mother: 6ab3an min 9iji!!! rou7 ta3a6aar!! 

Hamad laughed and left the kitchen.




AlZainah parked her car and walked to the restaurant.

"Okay joe okay!! Just write me a list because I will forget" 

AlZainah automatically smiled when she saw Hamad. 

AlZainah: Hi

Hamad quickly turned around: hala!!!

AlZainah: shakhbarik?

Hamad: bkhaair! intay shlonch?

AlZainah nodded: el 7imdallah bkhair

Both AlZainah and Hamad stood staring at each other for a second.

Hamad: umm omi hne elyoum!

AlZainah: msawya the special dishes for today?

Hamad smiled and nodded.

AlZainah had no idea why she wanted to see Hamad, maybe after knowing that he's not engaged anymore gave them a chance. 

AlZainah was lost in her thoughts when she saw Hamad's mother walk towards her with a smile on her face.

"Zayona 7abebte shlonch?"

AlZainah smiled: Hala khalti!!

AlZainah gave her a warm hug, even though Hamad's mother told her that she was in the kitchen since the morning.

Mother: ree7ti 6ibaakh!! akhaf tal9ig bhdoumch!!

AlZainah smiled: 3adi shda3wa!! 

Mother: ana bakhaleekom o etha baghaitone tadron  wain tilgone

AlZainah and Hamad smiled.

Hamad looked at AlZainah, He had no idea why was she here, he wanted to ask her but he didn't want to sound rude.

AlZainah: a7is widik tadre laish ana hne

Hamad was shocked, it was like she was reading his mind.

AlZainah: 7ata ana madre laish yeet!

Hamad smiled: el mohim inch hne!

AlZainah smiled.

Hamad pointed at a table: ng3ad?

AlZainah smiled: yalla

AlZainah sighed and let her hair down.

Hamad smiled: lal7en ma yinrbi6?

AlZainah giggled: imbala! bas tazlig el shaba9a o yinfaal el pony tail! 

Hamad giggled: ee hatha ohwa

AlZainah: masadig inik lal7een tathkir!!

Hamad: shlon ma athkir? sha3rich kila maflool o til3been bil 7aaaar!! we9er kishaa o ygha6e wayhich 

AlZainah laughed.

Hamad: t9eren chinich el yahal ele bil horror movies!

AlZainah laughed: WOW THANK YOU!!

Hamad laughed: ma gilt ila el9ij!!

AlZainah: agol Hamad

Hamad: golay

AlZainah: laish ma kint t3amilne zain?

Hamad sighed: Zayon ele galatle yah omch khalane ma a3amlch zain! 3ashan tkrhene o ma t3amlene zain! o ba3dain abda 9ij akrhich!!

AlZainah sighed: o kha6eebtik?

Hamad: falat el khi6ba

AlZainah: laish?

Hamad: la2ane darait inch mo makh6ouba

AlZainah: fa?

Hamad: fa chithi ana 3indi fir9a!!

AlZainah: o omi?

Hamad: at7amalha! ma 3indi mani3!! lu shtsawe! Zayon intay mo mistaw3iba inch elshay el wa7eed ele khalane arid el kuwait!! elshay el wa7eed ele ib bali 6oul hal sneen!!

AlZainah smiled.

Hamad: mabe athgha6 3alaich wala abeech titsr3ain o tikhtarain-

AlZainah: Faisal safar

Hamad sighed.

AlZainah: bas gale an6ira

Hamad: wana? ni6artich wayed! ni6art el yoom ele arid feeh o a7is ine kafo artibi6 feech!! Ma asathil ta36ene fir9a? 

AlZainah: Hamad elfarg bainik o bain Faisal ohwa

AlZainah took a deep breath.

AlZainah: inta kint t3arif Zayon ele kan 3umrha 10 sneen!! o farg!! Faisal 3arafne wana kbeera! 3araf a6ba3e o shafne ib kil 7alate o y3arif shlon yta3amal ma3ay ib kil mood akon feeh!!

Hamad looked away: el thahir inch qarartay o wala shay bagoula yghayr rayich

AlZainah: la Hamad ma qarart!! lal7en ma adre!! 

Hamad: 3indi ist3dad ogaf ib wayh omch,, o at7amalha o at7amal kilshay tgoula o tsawe! fa el qarar eb edch ya ana aw Faisal

Hamad left AlZainah and walked away.

AlZainah knew that it was time for her to decide between them, to face her mother with her decision and deal with her reaction. 

She knew that her father will be supportive wether she choose Hamad or Faisal, and she knew that her mother will not support her and won't agree with choice wether it was Faisal or Hamad. 

She grabbed her phone and sent both her parents a message.

"ana yaya el bait, bakalmkom eb mawtho3" 

AlZainah had made her decision and she was ready to fight for what she wants. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Scarred -12-


*I had a really stressful week, I felt really blue and a bit down so please forgive me for the short post.

Enjoy it!!


AlZainah opened her eyes, her eyes burned and she felt her heart beat in her head.

"A77 rasi"

She sat up straight and saw her father on the couch in front of her.

AlZainah: elsa3a cham?

Father: thalath el fayer

AlZainah: ola nimt wayed!!

Father: shlonch al7een?

AlZainah: rasi y3awrne 

Father: gomay baba rou7ay namay bfrashich

AlZainah walked to her father and sat beside him: ma nimt 3ashan tjablne?

Her father smiled and nodded.

AlZainah threw herself in her father's arms, she hugged him really tight, she was so lost and sad and she needed help.

Father: gomay baba imshay foug

AlZainah: shasawe?

Father: la tsaween shay wala tfakren ib shay

AlZainah: yuba bas Faisal-

Father: Faisal lama yane o kalamne giltla ina el kilma lich o intay ele tqarireen

AlZainah was shocked, she had no idea that Faisal actually talked to her father about marrying her.

Father: giltla ykalmch bil mawtho3 bil awal 3ashan ma ytqadamlich rasmi o tridena! we9er mawqifna baykh jidam ahala o jidam Sara ikhta

AlZainah's heart sunk, she couldn't believe how stupid she was, Faisal loved her so much and he tried to reach her and make her his wife in every way he could.

AlZainah sighed: o Hamad?

Father: Hamad ma kalamne eb shay!!

AlZainah: la2ana omi gaylatla ine batzawaj Faisal awal ma atkharaj!

Father: offf!! wana wain kint?

AlZainah: madre 

Father: Zayouna.. Faisal mareeth.. allah y3lam ib 7ala o shbe9er feh! 

AlZainah's eyes were filled with tears.

Father: o Hamad-

AlZainah: basee6? o  mu 6afi7 flos?

Father: Hamad mo kuwaiti bil ta2sees!! madre shbekoun wath3 3yalich! mara7 tkoun janaseehom ola!

AlZainah: abe azour Faisal

Father: baba el sa3a thalath o ni9 el fayer! namay o bachr el 9ib7 ana awadech 

AlZainah nodded and walked to her room.




"La la mo mistaw3ib ele ga3id agoula!!"

Ahmed: Hmaaaid! min 9ijk ahlha ykhalonha titzawaj mareeth?

Hamad: ahalha bekhalonha titzawaj wild sayiqhom?

Ahmed looked away.

Hamad: mi7taaar!! widi amsik omha o athba7haa!! 

Ahmed laughed.

Hamad: ra7 tikhtara ohwa.. mit2akid




AlZainah walked through the white hallways, the smell of hospitals always managed to make her sick to her stomach.

She saw Sara siting on a chair outside Faisal's room.


Sara rushed to AlZainah, she hugged her and cried her eyes out, AlZainah tried to calm her down and she eventually did. 

Sara greeted AlZainah's father.

AlZainah: khalti dakhil?

Sara: la, omy o oboy radaw el bait ytghadon! Faisal nayim

AlZainah felt a bit disappointed: maykhlif badish bas ashoufa! 

A nurse walked towards AlZainah and handed her something. 

AlZainah: shno hatha?

Nurse: libseeh 7abebte may9er tdishen 3ala el mareth bidona

AlZainah: bas laish?

Nurse: elmareth yalgi6 el amrath bsr3a.. mana3ta jidan th3eefa fa a7san 7agich o 7aga inch talbseena 

AlZainah: bas ana mo maretha

Nurse: libseeh gabil la tdshen 3alaih law sama7tay

The nurse left AlZainah standing, she turned around facing Sara put on the mask the nurse gave her and walked to Faisal's room.

AlZainah opened the door slowly, tried to be so quiet so Faisal wouldn't wake up, She felt her heart beat so fast, Faisal was sleeping, she sat on the chair beside his bed.

His face was pale, his lips were dry and he had a mask beside him, the same mask that was given to her.

AlZainah had no idea what to do or say, seeing him like this breaks her heart, Faisal's mobile vibrated a couple of times, AlZainah was looking for it to turn it on silent but couldn't find it.


AlZainah turned to her left and saw Faisal.

"9aba7 el khair" 

AlZainah: elsa3a thintaaain yal panda

AlZainah knew that he was so tired and that his sleeping patterns were mixed up, but she wanted to be herself around him as much as she could, she didn't want him to feel that she'll start to treat him differently just because he's sick.

Faisal smiled: masaa2 el khaair wala tiz3leeen

AlZainah giggled and sat down: shakhbarik?

Faisal: wala mako 3ala 7a6at edch

AlZainah: mita Huston?

Faisal: madre lama eldictor ya36ene elmiwafaqa

AlZainah: ra7 azourik ib 3i6lat el 9aif!

Faisal: wil 9aifi?

AlZainah: mani makhtha!

Faisal: zayon 3an el kharabee6

AlZainah: way Faisal kaifi!!

Faisal suddenly smiled: tadren thak el yoom shtithakart?

AlZainah: shno?

Faisal: awal ma khathaitay el laisan 

AlZainah: ee?

Faisal: o kintay tawich wa9la baittna o gha9ib tasf6een gare

AlZainah giggled: lama radait gare 3ala elzbala o 6aya7t'ha?

Faisal laughed and then started coughing.

AlZainah: ayeeblik maay?

Faisal: la la mashkoora

Faisal knew that AlZainah was so worried about him, he could see it in her eyes.
He knew that she cared but he also knew that shes not in love with him. But he wanted a chance with her, Faisal wanted her to love him.

Faisal: zayon

AlZainah: halaaa

Faisal: mabeech tyene huston, wala abe ashofch hnak! 

AlZainah sighed.

Faisal: sim3ay el kalam lu mara wa7da yal 3aneeda!

AlZainah: basFaisal-

Faisal interrupted her: ni6rene.. ni6rene kithir ma tgdren o mita ma 7asaitay inch ta3abtay aw malaitay o bas ma tgdren tan6reen saway ele tabeena 

AlZainah tried not to cry, she nodded.

Faisal: a7is ine widi arid anam shway

AlZainah: khalas 3ayal ana akhaleek

AlZainah left Faisal's room with a heavy heart, she slowly closed the door behind her, She saw her father and realized she didn't call him to see Faisal.

Father: ha gam?

AlZainah: gam shway o rad nam

Father: waih khalas 3ayal azoura youm thani

AlZainah said goodbye to Sara and they left the hospital, AlZainah wanted her old life back, she wanted the old Faisal back, she couldn't see herself as his wife but seeing him so weak broke her heart.

Her mobile vibrated. 

"Hi I just dropped something at your place, something so delicious, something that was a huge part of our childhood.

AlZainah smiled, Hamad made her heart smile, not only her lips and that was the difference between him and Faisal.

Hamad was her childhood, her past, her sweet memories and Faisal is her teen years and present. She was so torn between them.