Monday, February 22, 2010

Dreaming with a broken Heart [26]

Quwa;* shlounkom?

La tshofon wayhi lama garait ur comment !! I WAS SOO HAPPY! :)Thank you guys really really thank you ;**
Btw I wasn't planning in el story t9er chithi ya3ni ma el writing ta'3ayirat el a7dath! ;p
I didn't check la2ana Im super busy! fa skip grammar,spelling mistakes;p
Enjoy the post ;*

3ummar's mobile buzzed while he was in class.

A msg received from 3athba.
Mustasha el muwasa NOW.

Message sent
I'm in class…

Message received
It's 6aiba!

3umar's eyes widened, His heart was beating fast.

He stood up & started walking towards the door, his professor was talking to him, he was hearing him but his mind wasn't with him.

"Asif doctor bas 3indi '6arf bil 3ayla" 3umar said and left the class, not waiting for the professor to allow him to leave.

He sat down on the first bench he saw… took a deep breath, ma kan gadir yshoof jidama.

Ma ra7 agdar asog wana chithi, shfene! Inshallah mafeha shay.

3umar raised his head and found 3aballah walking towards him.

3abdallah: 3amor shfeek wayhik a9far? Ta3ban?

3umar: madri shfeeha….6aiba madri shfeha!

3abdallah: sh9ayir?!

3umar: madri bint 5alti dazatla message galatli inhoum bil mistashfa!

3abdallah: inzain dig 3alaiha ifham shil salfa?!

3umar called 3athba but her mobile was switched off, which got him extra worried.

3umar: mobileha m9akar akeed 9ar shay! Aked 6aiba 9ar feha shay..

3abdallah: 3amoor 9al 3ala el nibi! Goom goom 5al awadeek el mistashfa, shloun bitsoog winta ma t3arif ar'6ik mn simak!

3umar didn’t say a word he was sinking in his thoughts

3abdallah: 3amor! Mifta7ik ma3ak?

3umar: haa?mifta7i? Ee ma3ay… winta shloun bitrid?

3abdallah: mo mishkila, a5ali wa7id mn el shabab ymirni, yalla goom!

3umar walked to the car with heavy steps & a heavy heart …. Every time he thinks of a bad thought he tries to push it away.

3umar put his head on the window & closed his eyes. He took deep breaths & tried to calm himself.

They reached the hospital, 3umar ran to the reception

3umar: 6aaaiba el flani! 6aiba el flani!

Reception guy: level 4 room 567

3umar walked towards the elevator.

Level 4 room 567 level 4 room 567 level 4 room 567!

3umar: iffffffffff! Hatha m6awil!

He pressed on the button again & again & again.

3aballah: 3amor had a39abik!

The elevator arrived & they reached the level, he looked for the room.

567 567 567 567! Kahi!

He stormed into the room & 3aballah sat on chair outside.

3umar: 6aaaaaiba?!

3athba: shuuush!

3athba stood up , he walked to 6aiba, pale face , hands full of wires.

3umar: shfeeha?

3athba grabbed his hand & took him away from 6aiba's bed.

3athba: ooosh! 6ayouba noomha 5afeef, al7en tig3ad O tibda 7anat.ha 3ashan trid el bait!

3umar: SHFEHA!

3athba: madri! Kanat ga3da tbadil hdoomha btroo7 el jam3a , faj2a chan yo'3ma 3alaiha, and it took her a long time to wake up! According to the doctor shay mo zain inha ma gamat bsir3a.
3umar rasa gam yiftar, kil el ashya2 el mo zaina gamat ta56ir ib bala

He sat down took a deep breath.

3umar: wain 5alti O 5ali? Laish mako a7ad?

3athba: 3ami ams safar,O 5alti ma3aha mn el 9ib7, maskena min el 5ar3a yayah ib n3al el bait !
gitlha trid el bait tirta7 O omi badriya O omik yayen bil 6ireej

3umar: 5alid?

3athba: dagait ma rad, dazaitla message ham ma rad, atwa8a3 ina ib imt7an.

3umar looked at 6aiba, his heart aced seeing her like that.

They heard a soft knock on the door.

3athba opened the door.

3athba: uhh na3am o5oy?

3abdallah: asif 3al iz3aj bas 3adi itnadele 3umar?

3athba: ok i9bir digeega

3athba: 3amor ako wa7id yabeek bara.

3umar obb nisait 3baaid

3umar left the room.

3abdallah: haaa shlonha?

3umar: *sigh* lal7en ma nadri

3abdallah: allah kareem, hak swetchik O mobilek , ana mashi.

3umar: waain? Shloun bitrid?

3abdallah: dagait 3ala wa7id mn el shabab, 10 digayig wakoun hne.

3umar: inzain 7ayak in6ira da5il.

3abdallah: la 7abebe, an6ira ta7at, yalla salamat O ma tshofon shar.

3umar felt guilty… 3abdallah 6ool 3omra 5osh cousin O friend.

3umar: 3baid

3abdallah: amir

3umar: ma yamir 3alaik 3ado, sami7ini ya5oy el 3a9abiya 3amatni O ma kan 8ad9i

3aballah: ila gool el 7ub 3amak hehehehe, ma tinlam, yalla faman allah

3umar: faman el kareem

3umar entered the room & found 3athba holding 6aiba's hand & shouting at her.

3athba: Ya 7mara! Hatha mo'3athi! La tshelena!

6aiba: 3athbo hidini baroo7 el bait plz!

Her voice was weak…very weak.

3athba: Ay mafech shay! Shayfa wayhich bil man'6ara intay? Sam3a 9ootich?

6aiba: baro7 el bait!

3athba: 6aibo etha fe omich 5air! Gomay mn el sireer!

*horror music* and there it is! 3athba the monster!

6aiba got scared & rested her head back on the pillow

Aaa5 rasi thigeel O jismi m5adar.


Tears formed in 6aiba's eyes when she heard his voice.

6aiba: 3amor… baroo7 el bait

He brought a chair and sat next to her.

3umar: 3ajbich ele 9ar fene?

6aiba looked at him with questioning eyes.

3umar: 6ala3t mn el mu7a'6ara wana mitdoodih! 6ireje ma adila!

6aiba: 3amoor… plz! Plz! Plz! I5ithni el bait 3ashan kilina nirta7.

He wished that he could take her home… home with him… he wished that he could take care of her, hold her in his arms till she gets better... 3omri ma ra7 arta7 etha intay mo lee ana ya 6aiba....


  1. YAAAY! Im first..
    awal mara;p i guess
    akhh 3umar:* kaser kha6ry.;(

  2. waaaaay laaa kint abii il first :( .. bas yalla inshalla next time :P i'll read the post now;* :P


  3. N
    Yaaay ;p
    ee 7ada masken ;p

    Tyt ;*

    Anon Cowii ;**
    Ahlaaaain wainch '3a6a?;p
    Enjoy reading it ;)

  4. awwwwww 7abeebyyy yskserr el 5a6er !! t\yaa 6aibaa yaa 6ayooba fehmaay sha'3lay ur brain :(

  5. ilpost 3ajeeb bas ambaaa 7adddddha ksarat 5a6re 6ayoub !!
    inshallah tgoom bl salama w inshallah mara'6ha ma ykoon shay 5a6eer !!!
    yalla nabee 3amoour yetzawajha ;p ((7addi mesta3yela;p))
    thanx 9al7aa wallah ilstory 3ajeeeeba ;**
    baas plzzzzz la e6awleen bl next post !!!
    hatha ilpost 7adda g9eer ;s !!
    thanx aloot ;)
    with all my love ;**
    cowii's friend;*

  6. waaaay walla 7araam kseraw kha6rii ya rab ma yikoun shay qawii walla ra7 abchi etha kan 9ayer feha shay cuz 3amour 7ada kaser kha6ri:P..
    oo ana mawjouda oo am reading each and every post bas min my mobile that's why am not commeting:P!!
    walla 9al7aa u don't know your story shemsawya fenii walla gilt 7ag kil men 3anha la oo we are racing mino yigoul 7ag ethanii ena nazaltay a new post oo il youm awal marra mo ana ely agoulhoum it's my friend who told us walla we're addicted to your story;**
    oo 7adaaaaaa we're waiting for next post oo nabii LONGER :P


  7. Wa5eran nzaltay post :D
    3ad alh uste shno b9er :/


  8. Obbaaaaaaa shloooon sar chethe shfeeeha 3asa ma feeha shay.. pls pls another post today bs 3ashan negdar enam pls pls :(

  9. yallaaaa ya 3amooooor i56ib 6ayoubaaaa o fiknaaa!:P laih mitaaa ya3nii?! i think its time don't u think 9al7a;)?;Pp
    -Anon N

  10. Ambi 7ram 6ioba shfeha mskena :( ma tstahl
    b3ad glbi 3muor zooooooooooooooo8aaaaaaa 7iaty had klshay
    o yalha m5tr3 waaaaaaaai 5al tgom 6ioba blsalama ;(

    3la fkra 9al7a tra ana mn 6raf cowiii ;D
    oo 9ra7a w9et all my friend enhom ygron postatch
    lanha 7adha tstahl enha tngri ;*


  11. el poooooooost 3ajeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb 6ayouba o 3omar yakseroon el 5a6er 3amour yeshawi8 shloon 5ayef 3alaihaaa waaaaaaay 7adhom cute plllllllllllllllllllllllllllz post one more now pllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllz
    um flfola

  12. تعور القلب ؛\
    يازين اللهفة و العفسه اللي صارتله ..

    still waiting !

  13. WOW is all I can say...
    mashallah you keep getting better and so does you posts
    thanx a lot 3al post el 3ajeeb...

  14. waaaaay ya 7alat.hom w ya 7alat ur posts walla ;**
    9ij figadnach 3ad w inshalla dom happy

  15. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.........
    3umar is soooooooo adorable!!
    the last two liines were somethiing else 9ij!
    loved the post
    w plzzzzzzzzzzz la t6awleen 3aleeena!! :)

  16. waaaaaay 3amor zo8a shlon tidodah oo ma 3araf shisawee....

  17. ifffff i3awroonn il galbb
    ana a2eyed Anon N ...i thiink its about time that they married;p!!
    post sooon;***

  18. i luved ur post plz plz poooost soon :p

  19. 7araammm:'(

    a7ibahh 3amoor<3
